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Nov., 1909 INDEX TO VOLUME XI 221

Semipalmated, 115 Solitary, 116 Western Solitary, 204 Spotted, 14., 116, 137, 186 Stilt, 115 Western, 115, 181, 182, 194 White-rumpt, 115 Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 107 Red-naped, 15, 118 Yellow-breasted, 63 Saucerottea cyanura guatemalae, 72' Saunders, Aretas A., the nesting of the broad- tailed hummingbird, 197 Saxicola oenanthe oenanthe, 207 Sayornis nigricans, 60, 81, 171 nigricans nigrmans, 21 phoebe, 155, 159 saya, 15, 118, 137, 171 saya yukoncrisis, 206 Scardafella inca, 63 Solatot, W. L., rev. of his "The Winter Birds of Colorado", 73 Scolecophagus carelinus, 101 cyanocephalus, 119 Scorer, American, 113 Surf, 33, 65, 113, 193 White-winged, 3.3, 1t3 Scotiaptex uebulosa, 205 Seiurus aurocapillus, 156, 162 noveboracensis notabiliS, 207 Selasphorus alleui, 100, 173, 208 platycercus, 15, 33, 118, 197 Setophaga miniata, 62 picta, 63 ruticilla, 102, 121, 154, 155, 156, 163 Shearwater, Black-vented, 136, 19.3 'Slender-billed, 33, 34 Sooty, 193 Sheldon, Harry H., notes on some birds of Kern County, 168 Shepherdson, D. I., notes on the nesting of the cliff swallow, 138; notes on the nesting of the bank swallow, 174 Shoveler, see Duck Shrike, Alaska, 206 California, 82, 172 Northern, 17, 121 White-rumpt, 17, 121 Sialia currucoides, 17, 122 mexicana bairdi, 17, mexicana occidentalis, 21, 172, 194 sialis sialis, 155, 156, 164 Silloway, P.M., a problem in indeterminates, 86 Siskin, Pine, 120 Sitta canadensis, 55 carolinensis aculeata, 172 carolinensis, 155, 156, 163 carolinensis nelsoni, 17, 121 pygmaea, 17, 81 Smith, Austin P., observations on some birds found in southern Mexico, 57; the swamp sparrow on the lower Rio Grande, 101; the Derby flycatcher (Pitangus derbianus) a pernmnent resident within our boundaries, 103; Sumichrast blackbird in Tamaulipas, Mexico, 138; a correction, 139 Smith, William G., biography of, 197 Snipe, Jack, 14 Wilson, 115, 204 Solitaire, Townsend, 64, 122 Sofa, 13, 114, 157 Sparrow, Black-chinned, 194 Black-throated, 169, 170 Botteri, 58 Brewer, 16, 70, 120, 139, 172, 207 Cassin, 120 Coronado Song, 100, 137 Desert, 16 Desert Black-throated, 172 Desert Song, 72 English, 70, 92, 120, 149, 181, 208 Field, 161 Fox, 139 Gambel, 137 Golden-crowned, 33, 107 House, 16, 73 Intermediate, 16, 80, 120, 206 Laguua, 142 ,, Large-billed, 124 Lark, 169 Lincoln, 120, 206 Mountain Song, 16, 120 Nuttall, 185 Rufous-crowned, 131, 133, 141, 169, 172 Rusty Song, 139 Sage, 16 Savanna, 107 Scott, 58 Shumagin Fox, 194 Song, 182, 185 Stephens Fox, 75 Swamp, 101 Western Chipping, 16, 56, 120, 137, 194 Western Grasshopper, 57, 120 Western Lark, 16, 57, 102, 120, 172 Western Savanna, 70, 120, 172, 194, 206 Western Tree, 120, 206 Western Vesper, 16, 62, 70, 120 White-crowned, 16, 120 White-chinned, 58 Spatula clypeata, 13, 112 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 14, 118, 145, 171, 208 Sphyrapicus tuber, 15, 107 varius, 63 varius nuchalis, 15, 118 Spinus spinus, 16, 120 Spiza americana, 154, 155, 161 Spizel!a atrogularis, 194 breweri, 16, 120, 172, 207 monticola ochracea, 120, 206 passerina arizonae, 56, 120, 137 pusilia pusilia, 155, 156, 161 socialis arizonae, 16, 194

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