Nov., 1909 INDEX TO VOLUME XI 217
J Jay, Alaska, 206 Blue, 160 Blue-fronted, 84 California, 21, 185 Coast, 18. 21 : Green, 103 Long-crested, 15 Pinyon, 15 Rocky Mountain, 15, 93 Woodhouse, 15, 118 Jewett, Stanley G., some unnsual records from Portland, Oregon, 138 Junco, Arizona, 129 Gray-headed, 16, 70, 120 Intermediate, 16, 120 Pink-sided, 16, 120 Point Pinos, 19, 21 Sierra, 84, 102 Slate-colored, 206 White-winged, 120 Junco aikeni, 120 annectens, 73 bairdi, 11 dorsalis, 73 byemalls connectens, 16, 120 byemalls byemalls, 206 byemalls mearnsi, 16, 120 byemalls pinosus, 19, 21 byemalls thurberi, 102 phaeonotns, 58 phaeonotus canJeeps, 16, 120 phaeonotus palliatus, 129 K Kaeding, Henry B., microscopic subspecies: a reply, 32; correspondence from, 210 Killdeer, 14, 70, 116, 194 Kingbird, 118, 159, 169 Arkansas, 118 Cassin, 15, 60, 118, 208 Great-billed, 60 Western, 15, 60, 141, 171 Kingfisher, Belted, 14, 21, 118, 137, 158, 185 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 93, 121, 164 Western Golden-crowned, 55, 56 Kite, Mississippi, 157 Kittiwake, Red-legged, 203 Knot, 208 Knowitoh, Frank H., rev. of his "Birds of the World", 144 ' L Lagopus alexandrae, 107 dixoni, 107 lagopus, 204 Lamb, Chester, nesting of the Xantus murralet as observed on Los Coronados Islands, Lower California, 8; the knot in southern California, 208 Lanius borealis, 17, 121 borealis invictus, 206 ludovicianus excubitorides, 17, 121 ludovicianus gainbell, 82, 172 ludovicianus migrans, 156 Lanivireo solitarius solitarius, 155, 156, 162 Lark, Alaska Horned, 206 California Horned, 171 Desert Horned, 15, 70 Horned, 182, 183, 185 Pallid Horned, 118 Larns argentatus, 110 californicus, 13, 136 delawarensis, 13, 110 franklini, 110 heermanni, 96, 151 occidentalis, 96, 98, 136, 151, 152, 186, 193 philadelphia, 110 Limohires ruficollis, 173 Limosa fedoa, 116 Linnet, California, see Finch, House Pine, 16 Linton, C. B., Sterna caspia in Los Angeles County, 68; ancient murrelet at San Cieracute, 102; further notes from Sau Clemente Island, 193 Lobipes lobatns, 13, 114, 204 Longspur, Alaska, 120, 206 Loon, Common, 110, 203 Pacific, 203 Red-throated, 203 Lophodytes cucullatus, 111 Lophortyx californicus californicns, 21 californicus vallicola, 43, 100, 170 gainbell, 40, 43, 52 Loxia curvirostra benditel, 102, 120 curvirostra minor, 102, 139 curvirostra sitkensis, 107 curvirostra stricklandi, 73, 102, 120 leucoptera, 206 Lunda cirrhata, 96, 186 Macrorhamphus scolopaceus, 115 Magpie, 15, 18, 70, 82, 206 American, 118 Black-billed, 90, 118 Mailliard, Joseph, nest of the dusky poor-will (Phalaenoptilus nuttalli californicus), 45; nest of the Tolmie warbler, 65; nest of the western meadowlark, 100; flicker feathers, 103; nest of the California bi-colored black- bird, 127 Maina, 18 Mallard, see Duck areca me. ricana, 11