Grinnell, Joseph, the status of the Hutton vireo in southern California, 66; the zone-tailed hawk in California, 69; rev. of his "Biota of the San Bernardiuo Mountains", 73; the small American crossbill in California, 102; (with Heller, Stephens, and Dixon,) rev. of their "Birds and Mammals of the 1907 Alex- ander Expedition to Southeastern Alaska' ', 106; the little brown crane in California, 128; the northern spotted owl in California, 138; two waaers of note from Santa Catalina is- land, 139; further notes on the American crossbill in California, 139; queries, 139; a collection of birds from Forty-mile, Yukon Territory, Canada, 202 Grosbeak, Alaska Pine, 206 Black-headed, 16, 21, 70, 12', 172 Rocky Mountain Pine, 69, 106 Western Blue, 172 Western ]vening, 93, 119 Grouse, Alaska Spruce, 204 Gray Ruft, 204 Sage, 14 Sharp-tailed, 14, 88 Grus americana, 114 canadensis, 114, 128, 129 mexicana, 13, 114, 129 Guara alba, 11 Guillemot, Pigeon, 96, 186 Guiraca caerulea lazula, 172 Gnll, Bonaparte, 110 California, 13, 156 Franklin, 110 Heermann, 96, 151, 152, 153 Herring, 110, 211 Ring-billed, 13, 110 Sabine, 110 Western, 68, 96, 98, 136, 1.51, 152, 186, 193 Gymnogyps californianus, 101 H Haematopus bachmani, 100, 137, 186 Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 14, 117 leucocephalus alascanus, 187 'Hanna, Wilson C., the white-throated swifts on 81over Mountain, 77 Hawk, American Rough-leg, 117 Cooper, 14, 116, 158, 170 Desert Sparrow, 14, 117, 137 Duck, 100, 107, 117, 137, 171, 18.5, 20,5 Ferrnginous Rough-leg, 117 Fish, see Osprey Marsh, 14, 88, 116, 204, 208 PigeOn, 117, 20.5 Red-tail, 145, 146, 169 Sharp-shinned, 14, 92, 116, 194, 205 Spariow, 92, 117, 147, 171, 174 Swainson, 14, 92, 116, 170 Western Red-tail, 14, 21, 116, 170, 185' one-tailed, 69 Heleodytes megaloptarus, 63 Heller, Edmund, (see Grinnell) Helminthophila celata, 121, 138 celata lutescerts, 63 celata sordida, 100 Helodromas solitarius, 116 solitarius cinnamomeus, 204 Hen, Prairie, 116 Henderson, Junius, the early western sur- veys, 67; a correction, 139; rev. of his "An Annotated List of the Birds of Boulder County, Colorado' ', 144 Heron, Black-crowned Night, 114, 138 Frazar Green, 10 Great Blue, 13, 100, 114, 143 Green, 156 Night, 183 Snowy, 13, 114, 143 Yellow-crowned Night, 33 Hersey, L.J., (with Rockwell, Robert B.) an annotated list of the birds of the Bart Lake district, Adams County, Colorado, 109 Heteractitis incanus, 100, 137 Himantopus mexicanus, 115 Hitundo erythrogaster, 17, 80, 121 erythrogaster paltoefl, 107 Ilummingbird, Allen, 100, 173, 185 Anna, 137, 171, 185, 208 Black-chinned, 171 Blue-crowned, .58 Blue-headed, 58 Blue-throated, 58 Broad-tailed, 15, 33, 70, 118, 197 Lucifer, 58 Rivoli, 102 Ruby-throated, 1.59 Rufous, 183 White-eared, 61 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 110 Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola, 156, 164 guttata auduboni, 122 guttata slevini, 21 mustelina, 154, 155,464 ustulata swainsoni, 156, 164 ustulata ustulata, 21 I Ibis, Glossy, 114 White-faced Glossy, 13, 114 Icteria virens virens, 155, 1.56, 163 Icterns bullocki, 59, 119, 171, 208 cncullatus cucullatus, 59 cucullatus nelsoni, 59 parisornm, 59 wagleri, 59 Ictinia mississippiensis, 1,54, 155, 156, 157 Ingersoll, A.M., the only known breeding ground of Creciscus coturniculus, 123 !xorus naevius meruloides, 102, 207