Nov., 1909 INDEX TO VOLUME XI 215
difficilis difficilis, 21 flaviventris, 155, 160 fulvifrons, 60 hammondi, 60 rainlinus, 155, 160 trailli, 137 trailli alnorum, 155, 160 virescens, 155, 156, 160 wrighti, 60 Ereunetes mauri, 115, 194 pusillus, 115 Ergaticus tuber, 63 Erismatura jamaicensis, 13, 113 rubida, 13 Eugenes fulgens, 102 Euphagus catolinus, 161, 194, 206 cyanocephalus, 16, 21, 83, 172, 194 F Falco columbarius, 117, 205 columbarius richardsoni, 117 mexicanus, 117, 165 peregrinus anatum, 100, 107, 117, 137, 171, 205 peregrinus pealei, 107 sparverius, 117, 171, 174 sparverius phaloena, 14, 117, 137 Falcon, Prairie, 117, 164, 165 Felger, A. H., a correction, 68 Field and Study, From, 32, 64, 100, 138, 173, 207 Finch, California Purple, 21 Cassin, 16 Cassin Purple, 102, 120 Cuernevaca House, 57 House, 34, 70, 120, 169, 172, 185 Lincoln, 107 Purple, 102 Rosy, 70 San Clemente House, 100, 137 Finley, William L., some bird accidents, 181 Flicker, Gilded, 147, 148 Northern, 118, 158 Northwestern, 139 Red-shafted, 15, 118, 185 Flycatcher, Acadian, 160 Alder, 160 Ash-throated, 15, 60, 81 Baird, 139 Beardless, 59 Brown, 60 Crested, 159, 103 Fulvous, 60 Giraud, 60 Gray, 75 Hammond, 60 Least, 160 Mexican Crested, 60 Olive-sided, 21, 160 Querulous, 60 Traill, 137 Vermilion, 59 Western, 21, 60, 137, 139, 185 Wright, 59 Yellow-bellied, 160 Frey, John W., random bird notes from Chaffee County, Colorado, 70 Frigate Bird, 7 Fulica americana, 13, 114 Fulmar, Pacific, 98 Fulmaris glacialis glupischa, 98 Gadwall, see Duck Gallinago delicait, 14, 115, 204 Gayla iramet, 110, 203 pacifica, 193, 203 stellaIt, 203 Geococcyz californianus, 81, 171 Geothlypis poliocephala, 61 tohniei, 63 triohas, 61 trichas brachydactyla, 155, 156, 162, 163 triohas occidentalis, 121, 163 : Gifford, Edward W., the mourning dove (Zen- aidura carolinensis) in captivity, 84 Gihnan, M. French, among the thrashers in Arizona, 49; some owls along the Gila River in Arizona, 145; nesting notes on the Lucy warbler, 166; red-eyed cowbird at Sacaton, Arizona, 173 Glancidium gnoma, 202 phalaenoides, 145 Glaux acadicus, 118 Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed, 81 Western, 138, 172 Godman, F. du Cane, rev. of his "Monograph of the Petrels", parts II and III, 72 Godwit, Marbled, 116 Golden-eye, see Duck Goldfinch, 120 American, 16, 161 Arkansas, 16, 120 Green-backt, 11, 21 Willow, 185 Goose, American White-fronted, 113 Cackling, 114 Canada, 13, 114 Emperor, 173 Greater Snow, 113 Hutchins, 114 Lesser Snow, 113 Goshawk, American, 14, 116, 205 Grackle, .Bronzed, 92, 119/160 Grebe, American Eared, 13, 110 Holboell, 203 Horned, 110, 203 pied-billed, 110