Cor, respondence, 106, 141,177, 210 Corvus brachyrhynchos, 15 brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos, 155, 160 brachyrhynchos hesperis, 118, 171, corax sinuatns, 15, 100, 137, 17t Coturniculns savannarnm bimaculatus, 57, 120 Cowbird, 15, 92, 118, 139 Dwarf, 173 Red-eyed, 173 Crane, Little Brown, 114, 128, 129 Sandhill, 13, 114, 129 Whooping, 114 Creciscus coturniculus, 47, 123 Creeper, California, 21 Brown, 93 Rocky Mountain, 121 Crossbill, American, 102, 139 Mexican, 120 White-winged, 206 Crotophaga sulcirostris, 61 Crow, 15 American, 160 Clark, 70 Western, 118, 171 Cryptoglaux runetea richardsoni, 205 Cuckoo, California, 169, 171 Yellow-billed, 158 Curlew, 87, 88 Hudsonian, 116 Long-billed, 14, 116 Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus, 15, 73 Cyanocitta cristata cristata, 155, 160 stelleri carbonacea, 18, 21 stelleri diademata, 15 Cyanomyia verticalis, 58 Cyrtonyx montezmnae, 41 montezumae mearnsi, 39, 40, 43 D Dafila acuta, 13, 112 Dawson, William Leon, (with Bowles, John. Hooper), rev. of their "The Birds of Wash- ington", 176 Dearborn, Ned, rev. of his "Catalogue of a Collection of Birds from Guatemala", 72 Delattria henrici brevirostris, 58 Dendroica aestiva, 10, 17, 63, 121 aestiva aestiva, 155, 162 aestiva brewsteri, 172 aestiva rubiginosa, 207 auduboni, 17, 63, 121, 208 bryanti castaneiceps, 10 coronata, 121, 194 coronata hooveri, 107, 207 ngrescens, 17, 63, 172 occidentalis, 63 pensylvanica, 64 striata, 121 townsendi, 63, 69, 194 virens, 63, 156, 162 Dickcissel, 161 Diglossa montana, 72 Diomedea canta, 6 exulans, 6 immntabilis, 122, 123 nigripes, 98, 122, 123 Dipper, American, 207 Dives dives, 138. Dixon, Joseph, a life history of the Northern bald eagle, 187; (see Grinnell, J.) Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 33 Dove, Barbary Turtle, 84, 85 Inca, 63 Mexican Gronnd, 63 Mourning, 14, 21, 47, 63, 84, 92, 116, 157, 170, 185 White-winged, 63 Dowitcher, Long-billed, 115 Dryobates nuttalli, 171 pubescerts homorus, 14, 118 pubescerts medianus, 155, 158 villosus hylosopus, 171 villosus lencomelas, 205 villosus monticola, 14, 118 villosus villosus, 155, 158 Duck, Baldpate, 111 Buffie-head, 113, 204 Canvasback, 112, Eider, Spectacled, 173 Gadwall, 13, 107, 111 Golden-eye, American, 113, 204 Golden-eye, Barrow, Mallard, 13, 111, 139 Mottled, 111 Pintail, 13, 112 Redhead, 112 Ring-neckt, 13, 112 Ruddy, 13, 113 Seaup, 13 Seaup, American, 112 Seaup, I0esser, 112, 144, 204 Shoveler, 112 Spoonbill, 13, 112 Teal, Blue-winged, 13, 111, 173 Teal, Cinnamon, 13, 112 Teal, Green-winged, 13, 111 Wood, 112 Dumetella carolinensis, 121, 155, 156, 163 Dwight, Dr. Jonathan, Jr., the popular names of birds, 43 E Eagle, Bald, 14, 117, 143 Golden, 14, 117, 170, 185, 205 Northern Bald, 186 Editorials, 35, 71, 104, 140, 175, 209 Egret, American, 114 Egretta candidissima, 11 Eider, see Duck Empidonax acadicus, 156 difficilis, 60, 137, 139 difficilis bairdi, 139