United States (taken in winter), the adult is larger, with much more white on wings and tail; the rump is conspicuously and clearly white; the scapulars and ex- treme forehead are more whitish; and the lower surface is whiter, and more lightly vermiculately barred. Dendroicaaestivarubiginosa (Pallas). Alaska Yellow Warbler. Two adult males (nos. 4604, 4605), May 16, 1898. Dendroica coronata hooveri McGregor. Alaska Myrtle Warbler. Two adult males (nos. 4611, 4612), May 7 and 3, 1898. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis Ridgway. Alaska Water-thrush. Adult male (no. 4601), May 20, 1901. Antbus rubescens (Tunstall). American Pipit. Adult pair (nos. 4588, 4589), May 14 and 3, 1898. Cinclus mexicanus unicolor Bonaparte. American Dipper. Adult male (no. 4711), November 15, 1900: large; wing, 95; tail, 49; tarsus, 30.2; culmen, 15; bill from nostril, 12.4. Planesticus migratorius migratorius (Linnaeus). American Robin. Five skins (nos. 4529-4533), May 3, 5 and 14, 1898, May 8, 1901, and August 19, 1901. Ixoreus naevius meruloides (Swainson). Northern Varied Thrush. Female (?) immature (no.4551), September 12, 1900. Saxicola oenanthe oenanthe (Linnaeus). Wheatear. Male in first winter plumage (no. 4592), August 18, 1901. FlkOM FIELD AND STUDY Western Robin at Novato.--On April 25, 1909, we saw several Planesticus miratorius propinquus at Novato, Marin County, California. Is not this a rather late date for their presence in this locality ?--J. R. PtBRO and H. W. C&RRXR, San Francisco, California. The Golden Plover at Coronado.--On January 12, 1908, I came upon a Golden Pover (Charadrius dominicus) on the inner bay shore not far from Hotel del Coronado. It was a very bright specimen and was found in the same small cove on the 15th and again on the 20th. On all three occasions it was feeding by itself and was seen perfectly at short range. It could not be found on my next visit to the spot, January 24th.--BR.Dl*ORD TORRI, Sanla larbara, California. Brewer Sparrow in Ventura County.--I note a query made in the July number of CONDOR regarding the nesting of the Brewer Sparrow (Xpizella breweri) west of the Sierra Nevada, and I submit the following from personal observation. The first set was taken from a silk oak tree on May 15, 1908, and contained three eggs. This set is still in my possession. The second set was taken from an apricot tree on May 17, 1909, and contained four eggs. This set is now in the possession of Mr. C. W. Crandall of New York.-- LwREc: P:'ro, Sespe, California. Wilson Phalarope near San Francisco.--On September 9, 1909, I saw an individual of (Steanofius tricolor) wading in a shallow Lake near the Cemeteries in San Mateo Counter, alifornia.--J. R. PEMBIRTON, Palo ,4lto, California,