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feather, the shaft being whitish distally and slaty towards base; rest of primaries white, palely gray outwardly towards base. As shown by the above description, both in size and primary-pattern, the bird in question does not agree with current descriptions of the species. As I have no other specimens of li'. brevirostris at hand for examination, I am not able to draw any direct comparison. It may represent a variable young stage in plumage. The bird was found dead on the shore of the Yukon River near Forty-mile. Mr. Hall tells. me it was the only one of its kind that ever came under his notice. It affords a record station far east of any previously known place of occurrence, and the first for Canada. That this pelagic species should be thus found far inland is proof enough of the abnormal nature of the occurrence. Mergus americanus Cassin. American Merganser. Adult female (no. 5037), October 5, 1900. Marila attinis (Eyton). Lesser Scaup Duck. Adult male and female (nos. 4854, 4855), May 20, 1899. Clangula clangula americana Bonaparte. Golden-eye. Adult male (no. 4846), May 2, 1901. Charitonetta albeola (Linnaeus). Buffie-head. Adult male and female (nos. 4843, 4844), May 2, 1898; adult male (no. 4845), May 11, 1901. Lobipes lobatus (Linnaeus). Northern Phalarope. Adult female (no. 4798), May 3, 1901. Gallinago delicitta (Ord). Wilson Snipe. Three adult males (nos. 4767-4769), May 4, 5, and 16, 1898. Pisobia maculata (Vieillot). Pectoral Sandpiper. Two adult males (nos. 4775, 4776), May 16, 1898. Pisobia minutilla (Vieillot). Least Sandpiper. Male immature (no. 4740), August, 1, 1894; male adult (no. 4741), May 14, 1898. Totanus fiavipes (Gmelin). Lesser Yellow-legs. Three iramatures (nos. 4730- 4732), August 1, 1894, and August 18, 1900; seven adults (nos. 4725-4729, 4733, 4734), May 8 to 13, 190t, May 3 and 14, 1898. Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus (Brewster). Western Solitary Sandpiper. Four adults (nos. 4719-4722), May 8, 1901, and May 16, 1898. Charadrius dominicus dominicus Miiller. Golden Plover. Five adults in full summer dress (nos. 4749-4753), May 22 and 27, 1899. These do not approach C. d. fulzus; their wing-lengths are, respectively: ?, 174.6; (3,187.3; ?, 179.4; (3, 180.7; (3, 178.1. Aegialitis semipahnata (Bonaparte). Semipalmated plover. Adult male (no. 4759), May 23, 1901. Canachites canadensis osgoodi Bishop. Alaska Spruce Grouse. Three adults (nos. 4517-4519), September 19, 1900, and September 27, 1899. Bonasa umbellus umbelloides (Douglas). Gray Ruft Grouse. Seven adults (nos. 4505, 4508, 4509, 4511-4513, 4515), October 12 to November 15, 1899. Lagopus lagopus lagopus (Linnaeus). Willow Ptarmigan. Seven adults (nos. 5009-5016, 5038), in winter plumage, October 5 to March 30, 1898 to 1901. The birds of October 5 and 20 show dark feathers persisting about the head and neck. No. 5016 is markt ?, February 18; it has a patch of colored feathers on the hind- neck; but there is no sign of active molt, and I consider it a case of abnormally held-over estival plumage. Circus hudsonius (Linnaeus).' Marsh Hawk. Two adult males (nos. 4958, 4957), Ma 7 1 and 8, 1898.

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