hours in gathering collections of natural history and ethnological specimens. These, together with others secured at different points in Alaska, have now come into the possession of the University; and the birds and mammals are cataloged as part of this Museum. Forty-mile is situated on the Upper Yu,kon River where the latter is joined by the Forty-mile River. It is about twelve miles east of the Alaska-Canadian boundary. Mr. Hall has informed me that the birds (markt "40-mile") were all obtained on the Canadian side in the immediate vicinity of the post, that is, within four or five miles. In the following list I include only such species as were taken on Canadian ground, reserving the Alaskan records for another paper. I believe that the simple record of these birds will afford facts of considerable value in the matter of definite locality and dates of occurrence. In many of the migrant species the specimens of early date, so Mr. Hall tells me, were the first for the season to be observed. The numbers employed to denote specimens in the f611owing list are those of the bird catalog in this Museum. I have added critical comments where I could see that such are varranted. Colymbus holboellii (Reinhardt). Holboell Grebe. Adult male (no. 4925), June 6, 1899. Colymbus auritus Linnaeus. Horned Grebe. Female immature (no. 4875), September 20, 1898; male adult (no. 4874), May 20, 1899. Gavia iramet (Brfinnich). Common Loon. Adult female (no. 4927), May 28, 1899; female immature (no. 4928), September 25, 1900. Gavia pacifica (Lawrence). Pacific Loon. Adult female (no. 4883), May 28, 1899: wing, 289; tarsus, 60; cuhnen, 50; coloration, as far as I can see, exactly like two adults from Alaska. Gavia stellata (Pontoppidan). Red-throated Loon. Adult male (no. 4879), June 15, 1899. Rissa brevirostris (Bruch). Red-legged Kittiwake. Immature (?) female (no. 4909), October 15, 1899: wing, 296; tail, 114; tarsus, 30.3; middle toe with claw, 45.5; culmen, 23; bill from nostril, 12.6; depth of bill at base, 9.6. Aside from the wings and mantle the bird is pure white, except for a slaty crescent close in front of the eye, a slaty auricular spot, a slight gray wash across nape, and a transverse area on the hind-neck in whidh the feathers are blackish-tipt; mantle, mouse gray, the outer, middle and lesse/- wing-coverts narrowly tipt with whitish, and secondaries tipt with white to a width of 13 mm or less. Outermost' (first) primary with shaft and both vanes black, except for a light gray margin on the inner vane, which widens nearly across vane towards base and terminates narrowly (2 mm wide) 53 mm short of the tip of the feather; this gray area ends distally 2 mm from the inner edge of the vane, so that the black extends around its end' and separates it from the actual margin of the vane 21 mm down the vane; second primary the same, but inner light gray area broader and extending within 43 mm of tip of feather; third primary the same, bu gray area ending 39.5 mm short of the tip of the feather; fourth primary the same, but tipt with whitish (1.5 mm), outer vane narrowly and outwardly margined with gray towards base, and inner web with pale gray area so broad as to nearly touch shaft, and broadly rounded distally within 32 mm of tip of feather; fifth primary light gray, with irregularly white tip (averaging 6 mm wide), preceded by an irregular black bar (averaging 19 mm wide) double-rounded proximally; sixth primary grayish outwardly, white inward- ly and distally, black spot 8 mm long on outer web to within 7 mm of tip of