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Some Bird Accidents (with three photos by Herman T. Bohlman) . Win. L. Finley 181 Bird Notes from the Coast of San Luis Obispo County .............................. G. Willett 185 A Life History of the Northern Bald Eagle (with four photos by Annie Alexander ............................................... Joseph Z)ixon 187 lurther Notes froth-San clemente Island..[ ............................... C.B. Linlon 193 Some Sierran Nests of the Brewer Blackbird (with two photos)_ rilton S. Ray 194 The Nesting of the Broad-tailed Hummingbird__ /tretas A. Saunders 197 An Early Colorado Ornithologist--William G. Si-h--with one photo) .................. fVilliam L. Burnett 197 The-Flatmfiulated :reech Owl (itl'fi-e ph-tos) ............ : ......... F. C. Willard 199 A Collection of Birds from Forty-mile, Yukon Territory, Canada Joseph Grinnell 202 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Western Robin at Novato .......... J. R. Pemberton and/-/. W. Carriger 207 The Golden Plover at Coronado .................... Bradford Torrey 207 Brewer Sparrow Nesting in Ventura County _ __Lawrence Peyton 207 Wilson Phaiarope near San Francisco ...... J.R. Pemberton 207 Two Records from Eastern Kansas .... Alex. Wetmore 208 Some Unrecorded Species from Los Corth&tos Islafi';'Mexico A. van Rossez 208 The English Sparrow in Santa Barbara ...... Bradford Torrey 208 Notes on the Nesting of the Western Martin Pingtee I. Osburn 208 The Knot in Southern California. Chester C. Lantb 208 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS.. 209 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .................. 209 CORRESPONDENCE.' ................. Robert Ridgway and/-/. B. ASzeding 210 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS_ _ 211 lntered as second-class matter ebruary, x9o8, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood. Cal. FOR-SALE, EXCHANGE AND WANT COLUM In this space members of the C. O. C. are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or ex- change; bird skins and sets of eggs can be offered in exchange, but NOT FOR SALE. Notices must be written on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LEE CHAMBERS, SANTA MONXCA, CALIFORNIA. WANTEDThe tnanagmnent of the CONDOR wants odd nos. "Bulletin of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club" and will exchange later volutnes of the CONDOR for. thetn. WANTED--A clean copy of Beddaxd's "Study and Classification of Birds' '. Will give for same, either perfectly prepared Lower Rio Grande (Mexican side) bird-skins, or cash.--AusTIN PAUL SMITH, Box 141, Brownsville, Texas. WANTEDnA copy each of Leverett M. Loomis' "California Water Birds," Nos. x, xv, and v, or parts of the volumes containing the same.--W. E. CLYDE TODD, Carnefile JP/useum, Pillsburgh, Pa. WANTEDOsprey I, nos. 1 and 2; Baird, Brewer & Ridgway, Water Birds; Audubon, Ornithological Biography, vols. 2, 4, 5; Hud- son's Birds of La Plata. Cash pald.--B. H. SWALES, Grosse Isle, )Vich. Will pay cash or exchange first-class sets for the first four nutnbers Vol. I, Nidiologist. Send exchange lists.--EVAN DAVIS, Orange, Cal. FOR EXCHANGE--Authentic, personally- taken sets of Heermann Gull and Blue-fooled Booby; also have bird skins. Demre first-class skins frotn all localities. Send coxnplete lists.-- PINGREE I. OSBURN, 189 E. Colorado St.,Pasa- dena, California. EXCHANGE--Strictly first-class skins of Western birds for saxne. Offer all Santa Bar- bara Islands forms, Rhinoceros Auklets, Black Turnstones, nearly all warblers, Rufous-crowned sparrows, etc. Want Arizona-Texas skins; many common western birds--Oregon Towbee, song sparrows, wrens, vireos, etc.--C. B. LIN- TON, 109 East Ocean Ave., Long Beach, Calif. FOR EXCHANGE--34 copies of Proceedings, Bulletins and Occasional Papers, of Calif. Acad- etny of Scieuce publications; aud 11 publica- tions by Bryant, Belding and Anthony, to ex- change for sets of eggs aud skins not in tny collection. All of above for $100.00 in sets, Taylor's list--H. F. DUPRE, 919 rorgan St., Santa Rosa, California. When replying to advertisementS please mention THE CONDOR

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