springs in the foothills. Beautifully constructed nests were found in barren gulches hung in wild tobacco plants not more than 5 to 8 feet high. Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Common along Poso Creek. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. California Linnet. Abundant everywhere. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Common every- where; especially so along Poso Creek. Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus. Western Savannah Sparrow. A few seen near the head of Poso Creek and two takerS. Spizella breweri. Brewer Sparrow. Large flocks appeared in September on the oak-covered hills. Amphispiza bilineata deserticola. Desert Black-throated Sparrow. Two birds together near the head of Poso Creek, and one was secured. This is a record for the species, being the first known instance of its occurrence inside the San Joaquin Valley. Aimophila ruficeps. Rufous-crowned Sparrow. Fairly common on brlshy hills and in canyons. Two specimens taken. Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. A few seen at Poso Creek. Guiraca caerulea lazula. Western Blue Grosbeak. Two males seen at Poso Creek. Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tanager. A few seen at Poso Creek in September. Tachycineta thalassina lepida. Northern Violet-green Swallow. A flock of several hundred flew up the Long Tom gulch one evening and disappeared over the range. Two immature birds were secured. Lanius ludovicianus gainbell. California Shrike. Fairly abundant about the foothills. Vireosylva gilva swainsoni. Western Warbling Vireo. Seen occasionally at Poso Creek. Vermivora rubricapilla gutturalis. Calaveras Warbler. One specimen secured in September, when the species appeared to be abundant about springs in the canyons. Dendroica aestiva brewsteri. California Yellow Warbler. Fairly common at Poso Creek; occasionally seen at Long Tom. Dendroica nigrescens. Black-throated Gray Warbler. A few seen in the latter part of September and one specimen taken. Wilsonia pusilia chryseola. Golden Pileolated Warbler. Common along Poso Creek; occasionally seen around Long Tom. Mimus polyglottos leucopterus. Western Mockingbird. A_ few seen in rocky canyons at Long Tom. Also at Poso Creek. Salpinctes obsoletus. Rock Wren. Very common; nests plentifully about Long Tom. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus. Dotted Canyon Wren. Fairly common along Poso Creek; two taken. Sitta carolinensis aculeata. Slender-billed Nuthatch. One seen running up the side of our cabin at Long Tom. Baeolophus inornatus. Plain Titmouse. Fairly common along north side of Poso Range. Psaltriparus rainlinus californicus. California Bush-tit. Fairly abundant in the foothills. Polioptila caerulea obscura. Western Gnatcatcher. Very common about the hills and at Poso Creek. Sialia mexicana occidentalis. Western Bluebird. A few small flocks seen in September along Poso Creek. San Anselmo, California.