Branta canadensis. Canada Goose. Winter resident, common. Common during migration. Branta canadensis hutchinsii. Hutchins Goose. Not as plentiful as formerly. A flock of seven birds wintered at Barr during the winter of 1908-09 in company with a large flock of /. canadens/s. Branta canadensis minima. Cackling Goose. Rare. "Only one bird observed in twelve years." (Hersey) 01or columbianus. Whistling Swan. Migratory, not common. 01or buccinator. Trumpeter Swan. Migratory, not uncommon. "More plentiful during migration than formerly." (Hersey) Plegadis autumnalis. Glossy Ibis. Rare. There is one in the Hersey collec- tion taken in June, 1905. Plegadis guarauna. White-faced Glossy Ibis. Summer resident. Two birds were seen at Barr on the following dates: May 25, 30 and 31, 1907, and April 4, June 13, 18 and 21, 1908. While these dates would seem to indicate that the birds nested at Barr, we were unable to detect any evidences of breeding. "Two specimens were shot on Barr Lake, near Denver, October 3, 1898." (Cooke's Birds of Colorado, 2nd App., p. 197.) Botaurus lentiginosus. American Bittern. Summer resident, very common. Breeds in some numbers. Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron. Summer resident, abundant. The birds that feed regularly at the Barr lakes nest in a grove of tall trees on the Platte River about eight miles west and south'of Barr. The colony in 1908 was com- posed of about 100 pairs each of Great Blue and Black-crowned Night Herons. On Angust 4, 1906, over 100 Blue Herons were killed by a heavy hailstorm on Upper Barr Lake. Ardea egretta. American Eret. The only definite record for Barr is one taken by L. J. Hersey, which is now in the Hersey collection. Ardea candidissima. Snowy Heron. Summer resident, not common. Two or three birds are seen every summer at frequent intervals, but no indications of nesting have been observed. Nycticorax nycticorax naevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. Summer resi- dent, abundant. About 100 pairs have nested in a colony in a cat-tail swamp on one of the smaller lakes for a number of years up to 1908; but after the destruc- tion of their favorite nesting site by fire in the fall of 1907 they joined the Great Blue Heron colony on the Platte River. Grs americana. Whooping Crane. Not common. Seen only in migration, and:nt at all of recent years. Grus canadensis. Little Brown Crane. Not common. Seen only in migra- tion. Grus mexicana. Sandhill Crane. Not uncommon in migration. Railus virginianus. Virginia Rail. Summer resident, abundant. Nesting in large numbers. Many remain thruout the winter. Porzana carolina. Sora. Summer resident, common. Nests plentifully, but not in as large numbers as ]?. vt'rt'ttzJtts. Has been observed by Hersey every month in the year except December, January, and February. Fulica americana. American Coot. Summer resident, very abundant. Nests in large numbers. A few remain thruout the winter. Lobipes lobatus. Northern Phalarope. Common during migration. Steganopus tricolor. Wilson Phalarope. Summer resident, common. Abun- dant in migration. Breeds not uncommonly.