The Gvidc [o Naturc
Edited by Edward F. BigMow A Profusely Illustrated Monthly Magazine for Adults Devoted to Commonplace Na- ture with Uncommon Interest EDUCATION AND RECREATION For all students and lovers of nature. Por people who see and think. For those who enjo life in the countr or su burbs. For growers of plants and pets. For amateur astronomers and all who "look up to the stars." For users of the microscope peering into the wonders of minute life. For portrayers of nature interests and beauties on the sensitive plate. For members of The Agassiz Association. For readers of the best nature literature Not Emotional and Sensational but Thorply In- formational and Practical. Definite Guidance for Those Who Wish to Know Sin/fie Copy IOc. Subscription $1.00 per Year The Agassiz Association Arcadia, Sound Beach, Conn. BIRDSNESTS--EGGS Thc Ooloist is the only publication in the United States devoted to these. It is now in its twenty-sixth year If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist, Lacon, I11. BOO}iS and lVlagazines -- Especially -- Bird Publications Oologists and Taxidermists Instruments. Finley's American Birds $I 45 Feathered Gmne of the Northeast--Rich - 2 9o Forest and Stream and New Subscription to Condor ....... 3 6o Four Selacted sizes Cut-Lining Egg Drills i oo B]NJAMIN HOAG 8tephentow New York The Condor management wishes to ex- change for Or purchase any numbers of the Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club or Condor, Vols. 1, I! and Ill. Address, W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa /1onica, California. When replying o adversements LOVER of tho Out Door Lifo loeds Outing Clothing We lV[al,e it Handsome, Comfort- c -. lk ablegarmentsof khaki and corduroy, made to measure or men aud ply high grade foot wear, laced boots, moccasins, still hunters dries. ALWAYS I1 STOCK Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammunition 'Pishing Tackle Compasses Field Glasses The Win. H. Hoegee Co., Inc. 1-140-I42 SOUth Main St. Los Andeles, Cu, I. dease mention THE CONDOR