slide in. A piece of tin was arranged with suitable holes to be secured on the front side of the box after it was filled, thereby supporting the bottom and locking it in place. This coverless box with bottom withdrawn, was placed over weeds and nest. By carefully cutting all roots and mud along the edge, the box was caused to settle until the top was about level with the surface. A hole was dug at front of box sufficiently large to permit the bottom board being placed in the groove. Roots and earth were gradually cut away as the bottom was shoved into place. This nest was situated in an exceptionally exposed place, and the eggs could be seen thru the low Monantlzochloe liIloralis that grew closely around the nest. The eggs were warm to the touch when found. Judging from that fact, the setting bird had sneakt off on nay approach. I snrnfised that an opportunity to IgEST-OF THE CAI,IFORNIA BI,ACK RAIl, AS IT APPEARS AFTI2R RE3IOVAI, TO THE AUTHOR'S COl,I,ECTION photograph her at the nest would soon occur. Weeds were cleared away from the more open side that I might have an unobstructed view from nay selected place of concealment. I decided after an unsucessful and tiresome wait of one hours dura- tion, to be contented with photos of the nest and eggs only. Wishing to shoot the parents of this first set of nay own discovery, I endeavored to flush them by repeat- edly returning as quietly as possible. The nest was also approacht by framing up to it from different points of the conapass. Notwithstanding most of the weeds within a distance of forty feet had been carefuly kickt over, no birds up to this time were seen or heard. While packing the eggs a tuft of cotton was blown from nay fingers; on making a quick grab, nay hand was thrust into a clump of weeds causing one of the elusive birds to rise and fly feebly thirty or forty feet, then with