Calamospiza melanocorys. Lark Bunting. Summer resident; abundant. One of the most abundant breeding birds. Passerina amoena. Lazuli Braiting. Migratory; rare. Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tanager. "Not uncommon in migration." (Hersey) Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Summer resident abundant. Hirundo erythrogaster. Barn Swallow. Summer resident; common. Riparia riparia. Bank Swallow. Summer resident; common. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Rough-winged Swallow. Summer resident; not uncommon. Lanius borealis. Northern Shrike. Winter resident; common. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. White-rumped Shrike. Summer resident; common. Breeds abundantly on the prairie streams just east of Barr. Vireosylva gilva. Warbling vireo. Not uncommon during migration. Helminthophila celata. Orange-crowned Warbler. "Common at Barr during spring migration." (Hersey) Dendroica aestiva. Yellow Warbler. Summer resident; very common. Breeds commonly around the lakes. Dendroica coronata. Myrtle Warbler. Very common during sprig migration. Dendroica auduboni. Audubon Warbler. Abundant during migration. Dendroica striata. Black-poll Warbler. The only record is one taken May 6, 1908, by Hersey. 0porornis tolmiei. Tohnie Warbler. Common during migration. Geothlypis trichas occidentalis. Western Yellowthroat. Summer resident; abundant. Breeds commonly in the cat-tail swamps around the lakes. Wilsonia pusilia. Wilson Warbler. Not uneonlnloi1 in migration. Setophaga ruticilla. American Redstart. "One seeu in company with several other migrating varblers, May 10, 1908." (Rockwell) Anthus rubescens. Pipit. Abundant during migration. Mimus polyglottos leucopterus. Western Mockingbird. Stlmmer resident; not uncommon. Nests sparingly at Barr, and comluonly along the prairie streams a few miles east of Barr. Dumetella carolinensis. Catbird. Not uncommon during migration. Sumlner resident; not common. "Sometimes nests at Barr." (Hersey) Toxostoma rufum. Brown Thrasher. Not uncommon during migration. "Summer resident and breeds along the Platte river a few miles west and north of Bart." (Rockwell) Salpinctes obsoletus. Rock Wren. Not uncommon during migration. Troglodytes aedon parkmanfl. Western House Wren. Not uncommon during migration. "Summer resident and breeds on the Platte River a few miles west and north of Barr." (Rockwell) Telmatodytes palustris plesius. Interior Tule Wren. "Winter resident; common at Barr and probably nests there. I have taken it every month of the winter." (Hersey) Certhia familiaris montana. Rocky Mountain Creeper. Winter visitant; rare. Sittit carolinensis nelsoni. Rocky Mountain Nuthatch. Winter visitant; not common. "Seen occasionally in the late fall." (Hersey) Penthestes atricapillus septentrionalis. Long-tailed Chickadee. Winter resi- dent; not uncommon. Regulus calendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Migratory, rare.