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Carp0dacus cassini. Cassin Purple Finch. Winter visitant; not uncommon. Common during latter part of March and April. Carp0dacus mexicanus fr0ntalis. House Finch. Resident; very common. Is rather more plentiful during the breeding season than during the winter. L0xia curvir0stra stricklandi (?) Mexican Crossbill. Winter visitant, rare. Owing to lack of material there is some question as to whether these birds are referable to slricklandi or bendire/. Acanthis linaria. Redpoll. Winter resident; common. Astragalinus tristis. Goldfinch. "Seen at Barr only during migrations." (Hersey) Astragalinus psaltria. Arkansas Goldfinch. Summer resident; not uncommon. Spinus pinus. Pine S/skin. "Abundant during spring migration some years." (Hersey) Passer d0mesticus. English Sparrow. Altogether too abundant everywhere. Calcarius lapp0nicus alasceasis. Alaskan Longspur. Winter resident; abun- dant at times. P00ecetes gramineus.c0nfinis. Western Vesper Sparrow. Summer resident; common. Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus. Western Savanna Sparrow. Common in migration. Coturniculus savannarum bimaculatus. Western Grasshopper Sparrow. Stun- ruer resident; not uncommon and breeds. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Summer resident; common. Probably the commonest breeding sparrow. Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-crowned Sparrow. Comlnon in migration. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Intermediate Sparrow. "Not uncommon in migration, coming earlier in spring than /eucoprys." (Htersey) Spizella monticola ochracea. Western Tree Sparrow. Winter resident; abundant. Spize,la passerina arizonae. Western Chipping Sparrow. Summer resident, and at times abundant. Spizella breweri. Brewer Sparrow. Not uncommon in migration. Not com- mon summer resident at Barr. Junco aikeni. White-winged Junco. Winter resident; rare. Junco hyemalis connectens. Intermediate Junco. Winter resident; n6t un- conlnlon. Junco hyemalis mearnsi. Pink-sided Junco. Winter resident, common. Junco phaeonotus caniceps. Gray-headed Junco. Not uncommon in spring migration. Peucaea cassini. Cassin Sparrow. Summer resident. About half-a-dozen pairs were seen during the spring of 1907 and one nest with eggs was taken. During the spring of 1908 the birds were much rarer, not more than three being seen. Me10spiza me10dia montana. Mountain Song Sparrow. Resident; common. Breeds commonly and occurs in summer and winter in about equal abundance. Me10spiza linc01nii. Lincoln Sparrow. Summer resident, not common. One in the I-Iersey collection was taken April 15, 1907. Pipi10 maculatus arcticus. Arctic Towhee. Winter resident; not common. "Have taken them as late as May 6th." (Hersey) 0re0spizachl0rura. Green-tailed Towhee. Not uncommon during migration. Zame10dia melan0cephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Summer resident; common.

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