Asio fiammeus. Short-eared. Owl. Resident; more common in winter than in summer. Still more plenti[ul during migration. Glaux acadicus. Saw-whet Owl. "I have never taken it at Barr, but have heard it in the evening on several occasious during spring migration." (Hersey) 0tus asio maxwelliae. Rocky Mountain Screech Owl. Resideut; common along all the well-wooded streams. Bubo virginianus pallescens. Western Horned owl. Resident; common. Breeds commonly on Box Elder Creek only a few miles southeast of Burr. Nyctea nyctea. Snowy Owl. Winter visitant; rare. Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea. Burrowing Owl. Summer resident; abundant. A few remain during the winter. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. Resident; common thruout the State, but rare at Burr. Dryobates villosus monticola. Rocky Mountain Hairy Woodpecker. Winter resident; not uncommon. Dryobates pubescens homorus. Batchelder Woodpecker. Winter resident; not uncomnlon. Sphyrapicus' varius nuchalis. Red-naped Sapsucker. Not uncommon in migration. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed Woodpecker. Stunruer resident; eonlnlon. Colaptes auratus luteus. Northern Flicker. Rare. "Several that have been taken at Burr are referable to /}ybr[ctts of authors, but nearer [tt'eus than co[- /ars. " (Hersey) Colaptes curer collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. Resideut; abundant. The com- toonest breeding woodpecker. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii. Poorwill. Rare; one takeu May 18, 1907, is the only definite record. ' Chordeiles virginianus henryi. Western Nighthawk. Summer resident; abundant. Selasphorus platycercus. Broad-tailed Hummingbird. Summer resident; not uucommon. Tyrannus tyrannus. Kingbird. Summer resident; abundant. Breeds in large numbers around Burr. Tyrannus verticalis. Arkansas Kingbird. Summer resident; abundant. Breeds in large numbers at Burr. Tyrannus vociferans. Cassin Kingbird. Summer resident; rare. Sayornis saya. Say Phoebe. Summer resident; abundant. Myiochanes richardsonfl. Western Wood Pewee. Summer resident; commorl. 0tocoris alpestris leucolaema. Pallid Horned Lark. Resident; abundant. One of the commonest breeding birds of the prairie. Pica pica budsonia. American Magpie; Black-billed Magpie. Resident, abundant. Aphelocoma woodhousei. Woodhouse Jay. Winter visitant; rare. Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis. Western Crow. Summer resident; not common, altho a few breed around Barr. Common during migration, occasional- ly in very large flocks. Molothrus ater. Cowbird. Summer resident; common Large numbers of their eggs are found in nests of the Red-winged Blackbird. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Summer resident; extremely abundant.