Eight or ten birds were taken during the fall of 1908, and 50 might have been easily secured. One was secured May 31, 1908. Limosa fedoa. Marbled Godwit. Common during spring migration. Totanus melanoleucus. Greater Yellow-legs. Abundant during migration. Totanus fiavipes. Lesser Yellow-legs. The most abundant shore-bird during migration with the possible exceptiou of/r. baird[/. Altho both melaolettctts and _#az,ipes have been observed at Barr during May, June and July, we have not seen any indicatiou o5 the birds breeding. 1telodromas sol/tar/us. Solitary Sandpiper. Not uncommon during fall migration. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus. Western Willet. Very common in migration, especially in spring. Bartramia longicauda. Bartram/an Sandpiper. Summer resident, uot common. A nest contaiuing fresh eggs was found June 28, 1907, one mile east of Barr Lake. Actiris macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. Summer resident, common. Nests regularly at Barr, but in limited numbers. A few re:naiu until extreme cold weather. Numenius americanus. Long-billed Curllw.- Summer resident, not comnon. Common during migration. : Numenius huds0nicus. Hudson/an Curlew? Rare. "A few are seet neafl, y every fall." (Hersey) Squatar01a squatar01a. Black-bellied Plover. Very coremoil during both spring and fall migration. Charadrius d0minicus. American Golden Plo,:ver. Not unconlnlOll duriug nil- gration, but not as plentiful as X. sqttatarola. Oxyechus v0ciferus. ;Killdeffr. Summer resident; abundant. By far the most numerous nesting shorebird, A few remain thruout the wiuter. lgialitis semipalmata. Semlpalmate:l Plov': Rare. Occasionally observed during spring migration. _gialitis montana. Mountain Pl0ver. Sttmmer resident; very common. Nests commonly on the dry prairie back from the lakes. Arenaria interpres m0rinella. Ruddy Turnstone. Migratory; rare. the Hersey collection was taken at Barr, September 9, 1907. It was collected out of a flock of three. C01inus virgin/anus. Bob-white. Resident; comnlou. Tympanuchus americanus. Prairie Hen. "ocally abundant in northeastern part of the State. In 1907 olle pair of birds nested 14 miles northeast of Denver, near Bart, and in 1908 two pairs nested at the same place, raising 18 young." (Hersey) One taken during the fall of 1907 at. Barr had 97 grasshoppers, 72 kernels of wheat and four of oats, in its stomach. Zenaidura macr0ura car0Hnensis. Mourning Dove. Summer resident; abundant. Cathartes aura septentri0nalis. Turkey Vulture. Summer resident; not uncommon, but not as plentiful as formerly. Circus huds0nins. Marsh Hawk. Summer resideut, common. Very common during migration. Accipiter vel0x. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Common during migration. Accipiter c00perii. Cooper Hawk. Common during migration. Astur atricapillus. American Goshawk. Not uncommon during migration. Bute0 b0realis calurus. Western Red-tail. Common during migration. Bute0 swains0ni. Swainson Hawk. Summer resident; not common. Not