THE CONDOR VOL. XI The Executive Committee's report was dis- cust by those present and placed on the table. Adjourned. H. W. CARROER, Secretary. FEBRUAR.--The February meeting of the Club was held on the evening of the 20th at the home ofJ. R. Pemberton, 846 Bryant Street, Palo Alto. In the absence of the President the meeting was called to order at 8:15P. M. by Dr. W. K. Fisher, St. Vice-President. The following members were present: Dr. W. K. lisher, J. Mailliard, Weymouth, Dixon, Kichardson, Pemberton, W. P. Taylor and Carriger. Mr. Rich was present as a visitor. The regular order of business was changed and the papers were presented first. Mr. Pemberton read a paper on the nesting of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow and exhibited a set of three eggs and the parent bird. Mr. W. P. Taylor presented a paper on a hybrid hummer and showed the bird recently taken; also the skin's of the Allen and Anna from which it is supposed to spring. Both these papers will appear in print at some future date. Mr. Pemberton gave a short talk on a trip he and Mr. Cartiger took to Fyffe in May and showed several interesting photos taken on the trip. The regular order of business was now taken up and the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. Applications for membership were presented as follows: Dr. J. C. Hawvet, Auburn, Cal., by Mr. E. Adams; Ned Dearborn, Chicago, Ill., by Mr. H. S. Swarth; R. Park Harris, Renton, Wash., by Mr. A.M. Ingersoll; Frank L. Burns, Berwyn, Pa., by W. Lee Chambers; F,d. R. Warren, Colo. Springs, by W. Lee Cham- bers; W. L. Selater, Colo. Springs, Colo., by W. Lee Chambers; H H. Hann, Mr. Hood, Ore., by W. Lee Chambers; Benj. F. Howell, Jr., Troy Hills, N.Y., by W. Lee Chambers; J. H. Kiley, Wash., D.C., by W. Lee Chambers; E. B. Kichards, Grass Valley, Cal., by W. Lee Chambers; R. L. Jesse, Philo, II1., by W. Lee Chambers; John T. Nichols, New York City, N.Y., by W. Lee Chambers; Thos. S. Roberts, Minneapolis, by W. Lee Chambers; A. A. Saunders, Bozeman, Mont., by W. Lee Cham- bers; J. Henderson, Boulder, Colo., by W. Lee Chambers; Mrs. H. B. Wheelock, Evans- ton, Ill., by W. Lee Chambers; C.O. Whit- man, Chicago, Ill., by W. Lee Chambers; Louis S. Kohler, Bloomfield, N.J., by W. Lee Chambers; H. K. Pomeroy, Kalamazoo, Mich., by W. Lee Chambers; C. Bradley Isham, New York City, by W. Lee Chambers; Philo W. Smith, Eureka Springs, Ark., by W. Lee Chambers; A. Wetmore, Lawrence, Kas., by W. Lee Chambers; W.E. Saunders, London, Ont., by W. Lee Chambers; D, D. Stone, Oswego, N.Y., by W. Lee Chambers; A1. G. Ulrich, St. Louis, by W. Lee Chambers. On motion duly carried the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for the following: John Rowley, H. H. Kimball, J. T. Craven, W. B. Barrows, R. H. Bennett, L. J. Hersey, and Mr. E. Mailliard. Motion was made and carried that the Clnb extend to Mr. Lee Chambers its heartlest thanks for work done in bringing in new mem- bers. The resignation of Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn as President of the Club was read and on motion duly carried; the same was accepted. with, great reluctance. The resignation of Mr. Silloway of Montana was presented and on motion was accepted. The following amendment to the Constitu- tion was presented and carried bythe Northern Division: Moved to amend Article XII, by addition of section 4. In case it is deemed inadvisable for the Club to maintain the Library all publica- tions nay be disposed of at the pleasure of the Club. Amendment carried by the Northern Division. Motion was made and carried that the snn- dry books, pamflets and magazines which are now in the possession of the Cooper Ornithological Club (both donated books and CoNx)oa exchanges), except Belding's manu- script Water Birds of the Pacific District, be sold to the highest bidder and the money turned over to the treasurer. Motion was made and carried that the sale be condncted by the Secretary. The following resolution was unanimously carried. Resolved: That the Cooper Ornitho- logical Club extend to Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn its heartiest appreciation of his continued efforts in furthering the interests of the Club and especially for his able services as President of the Society. The following written motion was presented and signed by all present: We the under- signed, take pleasure in proposing the name of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Chief of the U.S. Biological Survey of Washington, D.C., for honorary membership in the Cooper Ornitho- logical Clnb. There being a vacancf in the President's chair Dr. W. K. Fisher, having resigned from the St. Vice-President's chair, was nominated for President and unanimously elected. Mr. W. P. Taylor was nominated and unani- mously elected as St. Vice-President. The business being over the Club on motion adjourned and retired to the banquet room where a snmptuous repast was served, and it was long after midnight before the members separated and all voted it as one of the best meetings held for a long time. H. W. CroR, Secretary.