The White-throated Swifts on Slover Mountain (with one photo). Wilson C. ZIanna 77 Some Notes from Fresno County, California ...................... John G. Tyler 81 The Mourning Dove (Zenaidura carolinensis) in Captivity ........ E. l. Gifford 84 A Problem in Indeterminates (with three photos) ................. p. jhr. Silloway 86 The Use of Magpie's Nests by other Birds (with one photo) .... Robl. B .Rockwell 90 Swarming of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet ............................ J. W. Preston 93 The Passing of the Pedro Island Sea Bird Rookery (with two photos by Oluf J ]-[einemann .......................................... IkZiltn X. Ray 94 An Ornithological Trip to Los Coronados Islands, Mexico (with three photos) .................................................... Howard l. Wr. ight 96 IROM FIELD AND STUDY Nest of the Western Meadowlark (with one photo) .......... Joseph llfailliard 100 Condors in a Flock ....................................... Ralph Irnold 101 Xcolecophagus tarolinus in Colorado ........................ George Richards 101 The Swamp Sparrow on the Lower Rio Grande ........... ./lustin Paul Xmilh 101 The American Redstart in Southern California ........... Pingree I. Osburn 102 Ancient Murrelet at San Clemente .............................. C. . Linton 102 The small American Crossbill in California ...................... J. Grinnell 102 Winter Notes from Clipper Gap, Placer County .................. E. ,qdams 102 Behavior of a Young Rivoli Hummingbird .................... F. C. Willard 102 The Derby Flycatcher (Pitangus derbianus) a permanent Resident within our Borders ............................................... qustin Paul Smith 103 Flicker Feathers ............. ....... - ..................... Joseph llgailliard 103 EDITORIAL NoTEs AND NEWS ............................................ 104 CORRESPONDENCE ............................................................. 106 PUBLICATIONS REVIEVD .................................................... 106 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ....................................... 107 Entered as second-class matter February, 19o8, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, x870. Issued from The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building. Hollywood, Cal. Price List of Cooper Club Publications Some of these are very Scarce THE CONDO 1 Vol. I--i899--Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club. No complete Vols. on hand Vol. II--I9OO Complete 3 oo Vol. VlI--I9O 5 Complete 50 Vol. III--I9O " 3 oo Vol. VIII--i9o6 " - I 50 VoL IV--I9O2 " 2 oo Vol. 1X--I9O7 " I 5 Vol. V--I9O3 " - I 50 Vol. X--I9o8 " I 5 Vol. VI--I9O4 " I 5 Vol. XI--I9o 9 Subscription I 5 Separates:--"List of Land Birds of Placerville, Cal." (Central Sierra Nevada Mountains) By CHESTER BARLOW 35 PP-, xI half tones 5o cts. PJ,CIFIC CO2,ST No. I--Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska. 88 pp. and map, 75 cts. By J. GRIblIIELL No. II--Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, Cal.; y R. C. MCGREGOR - 22 pp., 25 Ct8. No. III--Check List of California Birds; By J. GmEur mo pp. and 2 maps, 75 cts. No. IV--Birds of the Huachuca Mrs., Arizona; By HRR S. SWRm 75 PP-, 50 cts. NO. V--A Bibliography of California Ornithology; By J. omE[. 166 pp., 5 No. VI--Ten-Year Index to THE CONDOR, By H- B. KAEDING - 1 00 Address: J. EUGENE LAW, Business Manager Hollywood, Ca1, Or, W. LII CHAMBIRS, Ass't lanager Santa Monica, Cal. When replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR