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The Guide to Nature

The best General Magazine of Nature Ever Publisht A successful attempt to publish a "Professional" Magazine with the Amateur Spirit. Attempts of various parties in the past have shown that it is very easy to Publish in the amateur way, with the amateur spirit. But soon the body was "dead" and only the spirit left. The Guide to Nature is for all students aud lovers of nature. That includes all ornithologists, tho it isn't an ornithological magazine. There are really some things in uature beside birds that are worth while. The Guide to Nature is too good, too expensive for free distribution. No other nature magazine ever publisht contains so many beautiful illustrations. Send 15c for single copy, or join with us whole-heartedly and send $1.50 for a year EDWAID F. BIGELOW, Stamford, Connecticut Managing Editor. Bools and Magazines -- Especially-- Bird Publications Oologists and Taxadermists Instruments. Finley's American Birds St 45 Feathered Game of the Northeast--Rich 2 9o Forest and Stream and New Subscription to Coudor ....... 3 60 Four selected sizes Cut-Lining Egg Drills  Go BENJAMIN HOAG Stephentown New York W. LEI CHAMDIRS, Santa Monica, Cal. offers the following rare old Western Orutlhological Magazines for sale at prices affixed: idoloitist--Vol. IL complete, $LSO; VoL III, com- plete, $.oo: Vol. IV, COmldete. $L5o Osprey--Vol. I, complete, $.oo; Vol. II. complete, $.oo; Vol III, complete, $.oo; Vol. VI, complete, $.oo. Ore,on aturalist--Vol. II, complete, $1.oo; Vol. III, complete, $.oo; Vol. IV, complete, I have about :ooo odd numbers of all volumes of nearly every /estern brd magazine published. What do you need to complete your files? What odd numbers have you to exchange A LOVER of the Out Door Lifo Needs Outing Clothing We Mali, e it '  Handsome, Comfort-  ablegarmentsof khaki and corduroy, made to ply high grade foot wear. laced boo ts. mocca.ius still hunters dries. A],WAS IN STOCK Taxidermists Guns Staudard Ammunition Fishing Tackle Compasses Field Glasses The Vqm. H. Hoegee Co., Inc. i38-x4o-x4a South Main St. !.os Anl[elea. When replying to advertisements please mention 'I'HI CONDOR

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