Adult Male Mearns Quail (frontispiece), painting by .................. Leon Pray 38 Distribution and Molt of the Mearns Quaff (with one ump and two photos) ...... ..................................................... H. S. Swarth 39 The Popular Names of Birds ................... Joalhan Dwight, Jr., ][. D. 43 Nest of the Dusky Poor-Will (Phalnoplilus nullalli californicus) (with one photo) ........................................................ Joseph tlailliard 45 Notes on the California Black Rail .......................... Frank Stephens 47 Among the Thrashers in Arizona (with one photo) ............ ill. French Gilman 49 Notes on Parus vfescens in Western Washington ................... J. I-I. Bowles 55 Observations on some Birds found in Southern Mexico ........ ,4usgin Paul Snilh 57 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Chestuut-sided Warbler at Sherwood, Mendocino County, California ......... .................................................. Henry 14/. lfarsden 64 An Ancient Murrelet at San Pedro, California ............... l-tozt, ard IVright Nest of the Tohuie Warbler (with one photo) ............... foseph ';ailliard 65 The Status of the ttutton Vireo in Southern California The Early aVestern Surveys ............................. Jutius 17enderson 67 Winter Observations in Oregon ......................... arle Sgannard 68 Sterna caspia in Los Angeles County ....................... B. Linton 68 A Correction .............................................. .4. lur. Feller 68 Dendroica townsendi in Pasadena ........................ Falger P. Taylor 69 The Zone-tailed Hawk in California ........................ J. Grinnell 69 That Co-operative Scheme ................................... J. B .Jocwell 69 Random Bird Notes from Chaffee County, Colorado ............ John I5 Frey. 70 Unusual Wave of Western Tanagers .......................... Ernesg .4dams 70 FDIORIAL NOES ....................................................... 71 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .................................................. 71 IINUTES OF COOPER CLUB IEETINGS ...................................... 75 Entered as second-class matter February, i0o8, at the post offic-at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of Congress of March 3. x87o. Issued trom The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. Lit of Cooper Club Publications Some of these are very Scarce Vol. I--899--Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club. No complete Vols. on hand THE CONDOB, Vol. II--x9oo Complete 3 oo Vol. VII--x9o 5 Complete I 50 Vol. III--9o " - 3 oo Vol. VIIl--I9O6 " x 5o Vol. IV--I0O2 " - 2 oo Vol. [X--I9O7 " I 50 Vol. V--9O3 " - 5o Vol. X--I9O8 " f 5o Vol. VI--I9O4 " x 5o Vol. XI--I9O9 Subscription I 5o Separates:--"List of Land Birds of Placerville, Cal." (Central Sierra Nevada Mountains) 35 PP., iI half tones 5o cts. PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. I--Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska. 88 pp. and Map 75 cts. By J. GRINNELL No. II--Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, Cal.; By R. C_ XiCGEOE pp., 25 cts. NO. III--Check Liqt of California Birds; By J. GrenfELL Ioo pp. and maps, 75 cts. No. IV--Birds of the Huachuca Mrs., Arizona; By HaRV S. Swanra 75 PP-, 5O CtS. No. V--A Bibliography of California Ornithology; By I. (,NNELL $I 50 Address: J. EUGENE LAW, Business Manager Hollywood, Cal, Or, W. LEE CHAMBERS, Asst. Manager Santa Monica, Cal. When replyinlff to advertisements please mention 'FLIP; CONDOR