Is now publishing a series of plates, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Hotsfall, illustrating The Flycalchers 0t I10dh America in Color 20 cents a copy 1.OO a year THE MACMILLAN CO. Fiftl Avenue, - New lrorli City ' Boo]is and Magazines -- Especially -- Bird Publications Oologists and Taxadermists Instruments. Finley's American Birds $i 4S Feathered Game of the Northeast--Rich - 2 9o Forest and Stream and New Subscription to Condor ....... 3 60 Four selected sizes Cut-Lining Egg Drills too PROMPT QUOTATIONS. LISTS FOR ASKING. BENJAMIN HOAG Stephentown New York For 5a! by... F. M. DILLE 307 Con!'inen!'al Building Denver, Colorado Compiete sets of Cottdor Blrd-lore Nuttull Bulletha and Auk. FOl ALI :--Vols. 8 and 9 of Condor, complete. Osprey, Vol. I--Nos. 3 and 9; Vol. 2--No$. i, 6, 7, 8, IO; Vol. 3--NOS. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, O, 7, 8, NOS. I, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 9, IO, II, li; Vol. 5--NO. 1. Ptidolois!', Vol. a--Nos. 3, 8,9; Vol. 3--Nos. Vol. 4--Nos. 2 7, 9- fl. W. CAg!!OEg 200 Devlsadero ltrae! lSan Francisco, Cal. When replying to advertisements A LOVER of the Out Door Lifo
oods Outing Clothing
Handsome, Comfort- ' ablegarment$of khaki and corduroy, made to women. We also sup- ply high grade foot wear, laced hoots. moccasins, still hunters dries. ALWA IN TOCK Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammunition Fishing Tackle Compasses Fteld Glasses The Win. H. Hoegee Co., Inc. t38-t4o-t4a South Main St. Los AnSeles, Ca.I. dease mention THE CONDOR