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with the following result: for President, Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn; Senior Vice-Pres., Mr. H. S. Swarth and Dr. W. K. Fisher; Junior Vice- Pres., J. R. Pemberton and E. W. Gifford; Sec- retary, J. S. Hunter and Walter P. Taylor. The business meeting over, Mr. E. W. Gif- ford read a paper describing what he saw at the home of Prof. C. O. Whitman of Chicago, who is studying pigeons from an evolutionary standpoint. Dr. D'Evelyn read extracts front a report of his friend Mr. Alwin Haagner, sec- retary of the South African Ornithological Union, in regard to the economic value of birds of prey. l?rom this report it is evident that the residents of South Africa are about as ignorant of the value of our birds of prey the people of our own country were a few years ago. Owing to the lateness of the hour, Mr. Em- erson's paper on "Nestlings of the California Hawks and Owls" was held over until the next meeting. Mr. H. L. Coggins, former secretary of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, spoke of the work of his Club and exprest hititself as being highly pleased to meet with members of the Cooper Club, many of whom he had had the pleasure of corresponding with while at his home in Delaware. H. W. C,RRIGER, Sec'ypro tern. SOUTHERN DIVISION NOVEMBER.--The November meeting was called to order by Vice-President H. J. Lelande at his office in the City Hall, Los Angeles, Thursday evening, Dec. 3, 1908, with members W. Lee Chambers, Virgil W. Owen, George Willett, H. B Kaeding, Howard Wright, Pin- gree I. Osburn, Chester LanIb, Howard Rob- ertson, Willard Chamberlain and J. Eugene Law present; and visiting, Mr. Howard Carper. The minutes of the last meeting, Oct. 1, 1908, were read and approved. Applications for membership were presented as follows: ttoward E. Carper, 5046 Fisher St., Los Angeles, Cal., proposed by H. B. Kaeding; H. E. Wilder, Riverside, Cal., 'pro- posed by Joseph Grinnell; Clarence H. Luther, Fayetteville, Ark., by application sent to the secretary; J. Warren Jacobs, Waynesburg, Pa., proposed by J. E. I,aw. On motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Chamberlain and drily carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Luther J. Goldman, subject to the approval of the Club-at-Large. On motion by Mr. Kaeding, seconded by Mr. Chambers and duly carried, Mr. Robertson was appointed a committee of one to assist Mr. Enterson 6f the Northern Division in raising funds to finance tbe Ten-year Index of THE CONDOR. Mr. Kaeding outlined briefly the plan of the Index as follows, exhibiting a sample page: The index records every record of every species that occurs in the entire CONDOR, whether Latin or vernacular name be used; gives all the authors and their writings ar- ranged chronologically; and abbreviations will be eliminated as much as possible. The primary idea in typographical arrange- ment will be to have a page so arranged as to appeal to the eye and to have the most impor- tant items in black face type so as to be readily found; with this idea in view, the name of the species will be in blackface type, and the names of the authors also; the volume will be indicated by a small Roman numeral in black- face and the page numbers will be light. Ar- ranged in this way, the first thing that strikes the eye is the name sought; the next thing is the volume number, and then the page refer- ence is easily found. In addition to this, there will be a few special lists, such as all new species in one list, and all albinos in ofie list, etc. The only abbreviation used will be "rev." for "review". The following excerpt shows style. BULLETIN of the COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB and THE CONDOR TEN-YEAR INDEX 1899-1908 Abbott, Gerard Alan, viii, up the Yellow- stone on a pinto, 151 Abdimia abdimii, x, j2 Acanthis hornemannli exilipes, ii, 114; iv, 142 linaria, ii, !13; iii, 21; iv, 45, 137, 142; viii, 27; x, 23, 171

linaria linaria, viii, 120 

Accipiter, ix, 86, 136, 154, 187 atricapillus, x, 162 atricapillus striatulus, ii, 63; iil, 122, 161; iv, 81, 141 cooperi, i, 44, 91; ii, 16, 63; iii, 45, 122, 161; iv, 77, 129; vi, 42, 135; vii, 13, 25, 74, 78, 144; viii, 96; ix, 86, 154, 187; x, 108, 129, 138, 147, 162  cooperi mexicanus, ix, 136 gularis, viii, 15 plumbarius, ix, 57 velox, i, 44, 91; ii, 16, 63, 90; iii, 45, 70, .122, 161; iv, 10, 39, 141; v, 129; vii, 74; viii, 20; x, 66, 108, 161 velox pacificus, vii, 78; ix, 136 velox rufilatus, vi, 22, 42; vii, 141 Acredula, ix, 147 Acridotheres tristis, iv, 60; v, 79 Actiris macularia, ii, 15; iii, 31, 121; iv, 17; v, 49, 51; vi, 20, 48; vii, 110; viii, 19, 27; ix, 26, 78, 187; x, 20, 83, 126, 130, 160, 197, 235 There will be between 40 and 60 pages of in- dex matter, comprising nearly fifteen thousand distinct records; the entire index matter in- cluding names and titles and numbers is about thirty thousand wordsquite a respectable book; by the time the proof is read I will have put in about 600 hours on it. MS will be ready for -the printer December 15. Mr. Howard Wright exhibited a specimen of Xantus Murrelet and young a third grown, taken at Coronado Islands June 28, 1908. Ad- journed. J. E. Lw, Secretary.

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