with five eggs; and the same day, several hundred yards away, found a single fresh egg lying on the grass. l.uphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. A common summer resident. Carpodacus cassinii. Cassin Finch. Common at Coventry in winter only. I saw it at both Coventry and Bedrock in 1908. Acanthis linaria. Redpoll. Occasional at Coventry in winter (Smith). Astragalinus tristis. American Goldfinch. Taken at Bedrock in 1908. Astragalinus psaltria. Arkansas Goldfinch. Taken at Bedrock. Spinus pinus. Pine Linnet. Not cmnmon (Smith). Passer domesticus. House Sparrow. At Coventry and Norwood, many at some ranches. They first came to Norwood four years ago, and to Smith's a year ago. Pocecetes gramineus confinis. Western Vesper Sparrow. A common summer resident; at Coventry the commonest sparrow. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. A summer resident thruout the region; not very common at Coventry. While a number were seen about ten miles west of Coventry, April 24, 1908, none were seen about that place until May 1. The whole intervening time was cold and chilly, and this may have stopped the birds' movements. I should say that during this week I was daily over ground which would be frequented by the birds, and saw none. Zonotrichia leucophrys and Z. I. gainbell. White-crowned and Intermediate Sparrows. A few seen, not common (Smith). He finds it difficult to distinguish between the two in the field, but most likely both occur, tho only during the mi- grations. The only specimen I took (at Bedrock) was ambe/f. Spizella socialis arizona,. Western Chipping Sparrow. A common summer resident; arrives about the middle of April. Spizella breweri. Brewer Sparrow. A common summer resident at Coventry, living in the sagebrush. Junco hyemalis connectens. Intermediate Junco. Taken by myself at Co- ventry. Junco byemalls mearnsi. Pink-sided Junco. Taken at both Coventry and Bedrock. One seen near Coventry as late as April 29, 1908. Junco phaonotus caniceps. Gray-headed Junco. Taken at Coventry in 1906. Amphispiza bilineata deserticola. Desert Sparrow. Was quite common at Bedrock after April 17, when I took the first, tho I am inclined to think I saw some two or three days previously. It does not get up as far as Coventry, at least Smith does not know it, and he knows the next species well. Amphispiza nevadensis. Sage Sparrow. A common summer resident at Coventry (Smith). Melospiza melodia montana. Mountain Song Sparrow. Rather rare (Smith). I saw two in Maverick Draw, about three miles from Coventry, in 1908. Piprio maculatus montanus. Mountain Towhee. A common summer resident (Smith). I saw it at Bedrock, Naturita and Coventry. 0reospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee. Common, especially in migration. The majority breed higher than Coventry (Smith). Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. A common summer resi- dent, breeds near Coventry (Smith). Passerina amcena. Lazuli Bunting. Rare;- breeds in Naturita and Maverick Carlons (Smith). Calamospiza melanocorys. Lark Bunting. Not very common; does not seem to breed at Coventry (Smith).