Stegan0pus tricolor. :Wilson Phalarope. Common in migration at Coventry (Smith). .. , Recurvir0stra americana.:: _Avocet. From descriptions given him Smith.is sat- isfied this bird occurs at times. Since this was written he writes me that during the past season two avocets were sent to him for mounting, one of which was killed about two miles above Norwoo,d, and the other about a mile above Coventry, both having been taken some time between August 15 and September 15. Oallinag0 delicata. Jack Snipe. A few seen each year at Coventry (Smith). Actitis macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. Common along the streams (Smith). 31umenius 10ngir0stris. Long-billed Ctlflew. Fairly common (Smith). 0xyechus v0ciferus. Killdeer. Coremoff summer resident thruout the region in suitable places. '' Pedicecetes phasianellus subsp. Sharp-tailed Grouse. Some seen every winter; they breed at higher elevatioh'(Smith). ' Centr0cercus ur0phaslanus:' Sage Grouse. Very common in winter. Breeds about 600 to 1000 feet higher than the region covered by these notes (Smith). ltIeleagris gal10pav0 subs,. Wild Turkey, Smith says he saw one in San Mtguel Canon about two mles above Ci)nw0od Creek in January, 1898, and that he heard of the m a year or two after' that, but knows nothing definite or reliable. Zenaiduramacr0ura car01inensis. Mourning Dove. A very common summer resident all over the region. Smith tells me that he once found a nest with one egg and a newly hatched young one on August 16. Cathartes aura septentri0nalis. Turkey Buzzard. Not uncommon in summer (Smith). Circus huds0nius. Marsh Hawk. A common summer resident (Smith). Accipiter vel0x. Sharp-shinned" Hawk. Quite common; does not breed in this region, but does in the pines at higher elevations (Smith). Accipiter c00perii. Cooper Hawk. I shot one in Naturita Cation near Coven- try, April 29, 1908, and another was seen at the same time. Accipiter atricapillus. American Goshawk. Fairly common in winter (Smith). April 10, 1908, we found the freshly killed remains of one at the upper end of the East Paradox Valley. Buteo borealis calurus. Western Red-tail. Common summer resident (Smith). Buteo swainsont. Swains0n Hawk. A hawk' which Smith thinks is this species breeds in the region. Aquila chrya[tos. Golden Eagle. Common; some , at least, are resident (Smith). 1talieetus leucocephalus. Bald Eagle. Rare; seen only in winter (Smith). Palco sparverius plmlena. Desert Sparrow Hawk. A common summer resi- dent thruout the region. Bubo virginianus pallescens. Western Horned Owl. A common breeder (Smith). Speotyto cunicularia hypogaa. Burrowing Owl. Seen in April, 1908, in the East Paradox Valley. They are certainly not common, for Smith had never seen them in the region before, and there are plenty of prairie dogs and dog towns. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. Sen occasionally along the streams (Smith). Dry0bates vil10sus m0ntic01a. Rocky Mountain Hairy Woodpecker. Not com- mon; resident. Dry0bates pubescens h0m0rus. Batchelder Woodpecker. Either four females were seen at Bedrock, or one female was seen on four different days, probably the