The absence of the names of many of the small birds, such as Vireos and Warblers, is explained by the non-collecting of specimens, and Mr. Smith makes no pretense of being familiar with most of them in the field. As water commis- sioner for a large portion of the region his duties take him over a great area in the summer season, much more than I covered. As far as possible his notes are speci- fically credited to him. It may be of interest to my readers to know that Mr. Smith is an old boyhood friend and chum of E. W. Nelson, and he has many a yarn to tell of the trips and hunts they took together when boys. Colymbus nigricollis californicus. American Eared Grebe. Common at Co- ventry in migration; usually a number seen together (Smith). Larus calffornicus. California Gull. Smith saw one at Coventry in 1905. Larus delawarensis. Ring-billed Gull. In April, 1906, Smith mounted one taken near Norwood, in San Miguel County, six miles from Coventry. Anas platyrhynchos. Mallard. In migratiou common at Coventry, and that is the only time it is seen (Smith). Chaulelasmus streperus. Gadwall. Taken at Coventry, in April, 1906. Nettion carolinensis. Green-winged Teal. The commonest duck at Coventry, tho seen only in migration (Smith). Querquedula discors. Blue-winged Teal. NoS as common as the Greenwing (Smith). Querquedula cyanoptera. Cinnamon Teal. Quite common at Coventry; breeds on lakes at higher elevations in the mountains (Smith). Spatula clypeata. Spoonbill. Taken at Coventry, April, 1906; not common. Dafila acuta. Pintail. Fairly common at Coventry (Smith). Aythya marila. Scaup Duck. One was taken at Coventry in April, 1906. Smith says it is not common. Aythya collaris. Ring-necked Duck. One was taken at Coventry in April, 1906; probably rare. Erismatura jamaicensis. Ruddy Duck. Seen and taken near Coventry, April, 1906; not common. Branta canadensis. Canada Goose. One or two flocks seen every season (Smith). Plegadis guarauna. White-faced Glossy Ibis. One was shot near Norwood, September 21, 1907, and mounted by Mr. Smith. I have seen the specimen myself. It seems to me that this is at present the most extreme southwestern Colorado rec- ord for this species. Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron. April, 1908, one was brought to Smith to be mounted. It was killed near Redlands, a few miles northwest of Coventry. Smith says a few are seen every year. Ardea catdidisshna.. Snowy Heron. In April, 1906, Smith mounted one killed at Tabequache Park, 18 miles northwest of Coventry. In 1908 one was sent up from Naturita. Smith says he has heard of one other. Grus mexicana. Sandhill Crane. Not common; a few seen every year near Coventry (Smith). Porzana carolina. Sofa. Smith has seen a rail a few miles from Coventry which he thinks was this species. FuHca americana. American Coot. Not common (Smith). Lobipes lobatus.' Northern Phalarope. Common in migration at Coventry (Smith).