READY lqAY 1st. 1909
The Birds of Washington By W4. LEOH DAW80H, A, 4., ?4. A. O. U., 4.6. O. 6., o! 8eattic, and JOfitl fiOOr!R BOWLES, 4. G. O. G., of Tacoma. The Pioneer Bird Book of the Pacific N0rthwcst A complete scientific and popular account of the 375 species of birds found in the State of Washington. Superbly illustrated from photographs by Messrs. Dawson, Finley, Bohlman, Wright, Merrill, and others; and with 40 drawings in the text by Allan Brooks, of British Columbia. More than 400 illustrations in the Original Edit tion; more than 450 in the Imperial Edition. Complete in Two rolumes--9OO Pages Of Dawson's "Birds of Ohio" Chapman said: "The most attractive and valuable work on the birds of a single state which has yet appeared." , "The Birds of Ohio" was prepared for press in a single year. More than four years have been consumed in the exclusive preparation of "The Birds of Washington"., SIX SOLID REASONS why members of the Cooper Ornithological Club should subscribe for this work. First: It is born of the soil. It is of the XVest, western. Mr. Dawson dates his residence in Washington from x885. Second: It describes the bids of a hitherto neglected region, the Pacific North- west embracing, as it does, more than one-third of the North American ornis. Third: It presents in generous measure the life histories of birds which winter in California. Fourth: It is not a scientific re-hash of familiar facts. but embodies original re- search in a new field. Fifth: The text is written in a vivid, fascinating style, and will constitute a liter- ature as well as an encyclopedia of western bird-lore. Sixth: The work will be the most splendidly illustrated of any American bird- book to date. Four Gradess Eight Editionst Eleven Bindingst The Original Edition at $10, $12, $15 (according to binding); the Large Paper Edition, with special photogravnre, at $25; the De Luxe Editions ("Patrons' "Artemesis", "Tacoma", and "V. & V."), with special illustrations and luxurious bindings, at $50; the Imperial Edition, De Grand Luxe, with sixteen original water- color paintings by Allan Brooks, $350. The output of this work in all the editions will be strictly limited to advance sub- scriptions. We go to press January 1st, at which time the subscription books close. if You Want . [opy---Ordr Now Particulars with Specimen Pages on application. Please specify which ]dition you are likely to be interested in. Very truly yours, THE, OCCIDE,NTAL PUBLISHING CO. University Station Seattle, Wash. When replying to advertisements please mention TH! CONDOR