Is nowublishing a series of plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall illustrating lhe rlalchers o[ ilorth America in Color 20 cents a copy $1.OO a THE MffCls/ILLAN CO. Fifth Avenue, - New Yorli City year BooRs and Magazines -- Especially -- Bird Publications Oologists and Taxader]nists Instruments. Pinley's American Birds x 45 Peatherod Game o! the Northeast--Rich - 9 o Forest and Stream and New Subscription to Condor ....... 3 60 Four selected sizes Cut-Lining l,gg Drills x o0 PROMPT QUOTATIONS. LISTS FOR ASKING. BINJAMIN HOAG Stephentown New York Will Pay a Good Price for Nos. 4, 6, 7, and 8 of the WILSON BULLETIN ORINNIII Bezkeley Cal. JUST 12 LEFT Separates of C. Barlow's List of Land Birds o! Placerville, Cal. (Central Sierra Nevada Mountains) 35 PAGES IS Fine Half-tones S0 Cents Each W. LEE CHAMBERS. Business Mnag'er SANTA MONI(!A, CAL. When retlying to advertisements LOVER of the Out Door Life Needs Outing Clothing We MalCo it able garmentsol khaki and corduroy, made to ply high grade foot wear, laced boots. moccasins, still hunters dries. ALWAYS IN STOCK Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammunition t .. ' - Fishing Tackle ' ':i ' . :' f ' Compasses ' Field Glasses The Win. H. Hoegee Co., Inc, z38-x4o-x4 South Main St. Loa AriSelea, leaae mention THI CONDOR