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u Uria troile californica, 49 Urubitinga anthracina, 116, 181 v Van Fleet, Clark, C., the Western Tanager in San Francisco, 181 Vireo bellii pusillus, 198, 205 gilvus swainsoul, 150, 176, 193 huttoni, 181 huttoni mailliardornm, 128 huttoni oberholseri, 181 huttoni stephensi, 115, 230 mailliardorum, 181 olivaeeus, 193 solitarius cassini, 193 solitarius plumbens, 150, 176 Vireo, Cassin, 193 Least, 198, 205 Plumbeous, 150, 176, 206, 230, 231 Red-eyed, 191, 193 Santa Cruz Island, 128 Stephens, 115, 206, 230, 232 Western Warbling, 150, 176, 1)3, 230, 233 Vireosylva gilva swainsoni, 230 Vulture, African Black, 13 California, 197 Turkey, 138, 147, 161, 197, 203 w Warbler, review of Vol. III of the, 54 Warbler, Audubon, 24, 43, 68, 76, 86, 115, 133, 150, 176 BlackburnJan, 92 Black-poll, 235 Black-throated Gray, 43, 76, 115, 133,' 150, 176, 206 Black-throated Green, 193 Calaveras, 43 California Yellow, 198, 205 Dusky, 68, 86, 128 Golden Pileolated, 221 Lucy, 76, 150, 206 Lutescent , 46, 176 Orange-crowned, 128 Pileolated, 43, 76, 115, 151, 177 Sonora Yellow, 45 Tolmie, 76, 115, 150, 177 Townsend, 76, 94, 115, 128, 176, 193 Virginia, 176 Yellow, 24, 46, 150, 176 Warren, Edward R., Northwestern Colorado bird notes, 18 Water-ouzel, 222 Water-Thrush, Louisiana, 236 Waxwing, Bohemian, 175 Cedar, 24, 43, 150 Widmann, Otto, review of his "A Preliminary Catalog of the Birds of Missouri", 54 Willard, F. C., an Arizona nest Census, 44; Huachuca Notes, 206; three Vireos: nest- ing notes froin the Huachuca Mountains, 230 Willet, Western 160 Willett, G., Common Tern and Ruddy Turn- stone in Southern California, 50; summer birds of the upper Salinas Valley and ad- jacent foothills, 137 Wilsonia pusilia pileolata, 43, 76, 115, 151, 177 pusilia chryseola, 221 Wren, Baird, 151, 178 Cactus, 45, 115 Canyon, 115, 178 Desert, 115 Dotted Canyon, 128 Interior Marsh, 178 Parkman, 115, 139, 151, 205 Rock, 25, 43, 94, 115, 128, 130, 151, 178 San Clemente, 86 San Diego, 68 San Joaquin, 205 San Nicolas Rock, 86 Santa Cruz Island, 128 Tule, 205 Vigors, 198 Western House, 25, 178 Western Winter, 43, 46, 121, 219, 220, 221 Wren-tit, Intermediate, 222 Northern, 43 Pallid, 139 Ruddy, 44 Wright, Howard W., a Vermilion Flycatcher in Los Angeles County, California, 91; a death struggle, 93 Woodpecker, Alpine Three-toed, 164 Ant-eating, 76 Arizona, 76, 110 Baird, 44 Batchelder, 147, 164 Cabanis, 109, 138 California, 41, 93, 138, 222 Gairdner, 41 Gila, 76, 110 Imperial, 91 Lewis, 21, 41, 93, 164, 195 Mearns, 110 Northern Pileated, 41 Nuttall, 138, 198 Red-headed, 21 Rocky Mountain Hairy, 164 Texas, 110 White-headed, 41 Willow, 138, 203, 222 x Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 22, 94, 112, 148, 169, 198, 204 Xenopicus albolarvatus, 41 Y Yellow-legs, Greater, 159 Lesser, 159 Yellow-throat, Pacific, 205 Western, 151 z Zamelodiamelanocephala, 24, 114, 139, 150, t73 melanocephala capitalis, 220 Zenaidura carolinensis, 20, 66 macroura, 83, 108, 127, 137, 147, 161 macroura carolinensis, 197, 203 Zonotrichia albicollis, 50, 94 coronata, 42, 67, 85, 92, 128, 129 leucophrys, 23, 149, 172 leucophrysgambeli, 42, 67, 85, 113, 128, 149, 172, 235 leucophrys nuttalli, 130 querula, 84

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