VoL. X s Salpinctesobsoletus, 25, 43, 94, 115, 128, 129, 130, 151, 178 obsoletus guadalupensis, 105 obsoletus pulverius, 86, 129 Sanderling, 126 Sandpiper, Baird, 159 Bartramian, 160 Least, 126, 159, 197 Pectoral, 159 Solitary, 160 Spotted, 20, 83, 126, 130, 160, 197, 235 Western, 203 Sapsucker, Northern Red-breasted, 130 Red-naped, 21, 84, 110, 164 Williamson, 110, 147, 164 Sayoruis nigricans, 41, 67, 84, 111, 127, 138, 198, 204 nigricans nigricans, 222 saya, 21, 84, 111, 127, 138, 148, 165, 198 Scolecophagus cyanocephalus, 138, 149 Scorer, White-winged, 126 Surf, 126 Secretary-bird, 113 Seiurus noveboracensis, 227 noveboracensis notabilis, 150 motacilla, 236, 237 Selasphorus alleni, 66, 84, 127 platycercus, 21, 110, 148, 208 rufus, 47, 165 Serpentarius secretarius, 13 Setophaga picta, 76, 115 ruticilla, 151, 193, 227 Sharp, C. S., late nesting of the Green-backed Goldfinch, 237 Shearwater, Black-vented, 126 Dark-bodied, 126 Sheldon, Harry H., three nests of note from northern California, 120 Shrike, California, 92, 139, 198, 205 Island, 128, 182 Northern, 175 San Clemente, 85, 182 White-rumped, 24, 43, 115, 150, 175 Sialia arctica, 26, 44, 50, 94, 116, 151, 180 mexicana bairdi, 116, 151, 180 mexicana occidentalis, 44, 139, 198, 205 Sitta canadensis, 43, 105, 151, 178 carolinensis aculeata, 25, 43, 139, 151 carolinensis nelsoni, 77, 116, 178, 194 pygmea, 25, 116, 151, 178 Siskin, Pine, 23, 113, 149, 171, 234, 235 Sittasomus, 227 Snipe, Wilson, 40, 159 Smith, Austin P., is the Mountain Bluebird resident at high altitudes?, 50; some data and records from the Whetstone Moun- taius, Arizona, 75; destruction of Imperial Woodpeckers, 91; Blackburnian Warbler noted at Fort Brown, Texas, 92; brain para- site in the White-necked Raven, 92; al- binism of the Scaled Partridge, 93 Solitaire, Townsend, 26, 44, 116, 151, 179 Sora, 20, 39 Sparrow, Baird, 113 Bell, 85 Black-throated, 45 Brewer, 23, 113, 149, 206 Bryant Marsh, 28 California Sage, 204 Cassin, 114 Chipping, 235 Desert, 149 Eastern Fox, 50 English, 13, 23, 42, 113, 138, 149, 171, 198 Forbush, 182 Fox, 139, 237 Gambel, 149 Golden-crowned, 42, 67, 85, 128, 129 Harris, 84 Heermann Song, 198, 205 Intermediate, 42, 67, 85, 113, 128, 172, 235 Kadiak Fox, 85, 128 Lincoln, 43, 114, 150, 173 Mendocino Song, 43 Mountain Song, 23, 149, 173 Nuttall, 130 Rufous-crowned, 128 Rusty Song, 46 Sage, 149, 173 Samuels Song, 43 San Clemente Song, 43 San Diego Song, 182 Santa Barbara Song, 128 Scott Rock, 114 Slate-colored, 173 Song, 142 Sooty Fox, 46 Stephens Fox, 128 Thick-billed, 43, 128 Townsend, 142 Western Chipping, 23, 42, 68, 113, 149, 172, 192 Western Lark, 23, 42, 128, 138, 149, 172, 198, 204 Western Savanna, 113, 128, 172 Western Tree, 149, 172 Western Vesper, 23, 113, 149, 171 White-crowned, 23, 149, 172 White-throated, 94, 235 akutat Fox, 50 Spatula clypeata, 39, 158, 202 Speotyto cunicularia becki, 104, 127 cunicularia hypogea, 21, 41, 84, 104, 109, 138, 147, 163, 197, 203 Sphyrapicus ruber nootkensis, 130 thyroideus, 110, 147, 164 varius nuchalis, 21, 84, 110, 164 Spinus pinus, 23, 113, 149, 171, 234 Spizella breweri, 23, 113, 149 monticola ochracea, 149, 172 passerina, 235 socialis arizone, 23, 42, 68, 113, 149, 172, 192