Crossbill, 139 Mexican, 171 White-winged, 141 Crow, California, 42, 138, 204 Clarke, 192 Northwest, 47 Western, 198 Crymophilus fulicarius, 104, 126 Cryptoglaux acadica, 94, 163 Cuckoo, California, 164, 197, 203 Curlew, Long-billed, 160, 203 Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus, 22, 148, 169 Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea, 42, 134, 219, 221 stelleri diademata, 22, 78, 112, 148, 168 st. elleri frontalis, 41, 134 Cyanospiza amcena, 24, 68, 139, 150, 173 Cypseloides niger, 192 niger borealis, 165 Cyrtonyx montezumte mearnsi, 108 D Dafila acuta, 39, 158, 197, 202 Daggett, Frank S., a bit of early California natural history, 135 Dawson, Wm. L., the new reserves on the Washington coast, 45 Dendragapus obscurus, 20, 161 obscurus fuliginosus, 40 Dendrocygna bicolor, 202 Dendroica testira, 24, 46, 68, 150, 176 testira brewsteri, 198, 205 auduboni, 24, 43, 76, 86, 115, 133, 150, 176 blackburnitc, 92 nigrescens, 43, 76, 115, 133, 150, 176 striata, 235 townsendi, 76, 94, 115, 128, 176, 193 D'lvelyn, Dr. F. W., locust-destroying birds of the Transvaal, 10; notes on the waltzing instinct in ostriches, 119 Dilophus carnncullatus, 12 Diomedea nigripes, 103 Dipper, American, 177 Dixon, Joseph, field notes from Alaska, 139; a family of young duck hawks, 198 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 22, 169 Dove, Cape Turtle, 13 Mourning, 20, 66, 83, 108, 127, 137, 147, 161, 197, 203 White-winged, 129 Dowitcher, Long-billed, 203 Dryobates arizome, 76, 110 nuttalli, 138, 198 pubescens gairdneri, 41 pubescens homorns, 147, 164 pubescens turati, 138, 203, 222 scalaris bairdi, 110 villosus hyloscopus, 109, 138 villosus monticola, 147, 164 Duck, American Scaup, 158 Canvasback, 158 Fulvous Tree, 202 Harlequin, 158, 224 Lesser Scaup, 83, 158 Long-tailed, 224 Pintail, 39, 158, 197, 202 Redhead, 158, 197, 202 Ruddy, 158, 197, 202 Shovellet, 39, 158, 202 E Eagle, Bald, 66, 83, 127, 130, 162 Golden, 20, 40, 109, 138, 147, 162 Northern Bald, 140 Editorial notes, 51, 95, 131, 183, 209, 240 Egret, 197, 202, 209 White, 13 Egretta candidissima, 229 ]mpidonax difficilis, 67, 84, 111, 127, 138, 167 griseus, 111 hammondi, 111, 167 trailli, 167, 198, 204 wrighti, 148, 167 Ereunetes occidentalis, 79 mauri, 203 Erismatura jamaicensis, 158, 197, 202 Euethia, 227 Euphagus cyanocephalns, 23, 42, 112, 170, 196, 219, 221 Eupsychortyx, 226 F Falco columbarius, 109, 127, 147, 163 mexicanus, 138, 147, 168 peregrinus anatum, 83, 109, 127, 163 richardsoni, 163 sparverius, 21, 40, 83, 138, 147 sparverius phalcena, 109, 127, 163, 197, 203 Falcon, Peale, 47 Prairie, 138, 147, 168 Ferry, John F., notes froin the diary of a nat- uralist in Northern California, 30; a month's bird-collecting in Venezuela, 225 Field and study, from, 50, 91, 129, 207, 236 Finch, California Purple, 128, 138, 222 Cassin, 23, 42, 113, 170 House, 44, 113, 138, 149, 170, 198, 204, 221 San Clemente House, 128 Finley, Wm. L., life history of the California Condor, 5, 59; review of his "American Birds Studied and Photographed from Life", 52 Fleming, J. H., dates that are not data, 91 Flicker, Red-shafted, 21, 41, 66, 84, 110, 127, 1..38, 147, 164, 197, 203, 221 Flycatcher, Ash-throated, 21, 138, 148, 166, 198, 204 Buff-breasted, 207 Gray, 111 Hammond, 111, 167 Olivaceous, 77