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A Corner in the Colony of Caspian Terns on Lower Klamath Lake (frontispiece) .................................................... Finley and Bohlman 214 Retrospective ............................................... Henry B. /aedin 215 From Big Creek to Big Basin (with two photos by Oluff. Heinnann) ........... .......................................................... /Tilton S. /Vay 219 The Arrangement of an Oological Collection (with two photos by the author) .... ............................................. Irerbert [assey, dV. ?. O. If 223 A Month's Bird-Collecting in Venezuela ..................... ' .../ohn . Ferry 225 Three Vireos: Nesting Notes from the Ituachuca Mountaiffs (with three photos by the author) ........................................  .:.... .' Villard 230 Nesting of the Pine Siskin at Great Slave Lake ............ udollh 2V. qnderson 234 Mr. Rockwell's Suggestion of Cooperation in Ornithological Studies... l'm. E. Rilter 235 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Louisiana Water-Thrush in California ................... Loye Hobnes [iller 236 Late Nestlug of the Green-backed Goldfinch .................... C. S. Sharp 237 The Present Status of the Least Tern in Southern California V. Leg Chambers 237 Subspecific Names in the Geuus Passerella ....................... J. Grinnell 237 Northern Range of the Phaiuopepla ........................ f. 3?. Pemberton 238 Pacific Fulmars and Pacific Kittiwakes at Long Beach ........... C. Z?. Lingon 238 The European Chaffinch at Berkeley, California ................ T. S. talmer 238 The California Record of the Cape Robin Open to Question ........ J. Grinnell 238 Early Record for Passerculus rostratus in Los Augeles County... C. Z?. Lingon 329 Notes on the Vestern Guatcatcher .......................... J. t. temberlon -239 Bohlman and Finley in Camp on a Floating Tule Island during their Explora- tion of Lower Klamath Lake, Summer of 1908 (photo) .................. 239 EDITORIAL NOTES ......................................................... 240 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .................................. 240 INDEX TO VOLUMR X ..................................................... 242 Entered as second-class matter February, x9o8, at the post office at Los Angeles (Holl)wood Station),2alifornia, under &ct o! Cotgress of March 3, 87. Issued from The Office of The C0ndor First llational Bank Buffcling, Hollywood, Cal. A Guide to Nature The best.General b4agazine of Nature Ever Published A successful attempt to publish a'"Professional '! Magazine with the Amateur Spirit. Attempts of various parties in the past have shown that it is very easy to Publish in the amateur way, with the amateur spirit. But soon the body was "dead" and only the spitfit left. The Guide to Nature is for all students and lovers of nature. That includes all oruithologists, though it isn't an ornithological magazine. There are really some thiugs in nature beside birds that are worth while. The Guide to Nature is too good, to expensive for free distribution. No other nature magazine ever published contains so many beautiful illustrations. Send 15c for single copy, or join with us whole-heartedly and send $1.50 for a year EDWAIkD F. BIGELOW, Stamford, Connecticut llanaggingg Editor. When replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR

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