Hanna, Wilson C., Box 146, Colton. 1902. tleinemann, Olnf J., 1532 Fulton St., San Francisco. 1908. Itellet, Edmund, Riverside. 1894. Ilollaml, Harold M., Box 515, Galesburg, Ill. 1901. Iloover, Theodore J., 8 Prince Edwards Man- sions, Palace Court, Bayswater, London, W., England. 1898. Howard, Arthur P., 853 South Olive St., Los Angeles. 1906. Iloward, Edward A., Box 484, Los Angeles. 1902. ttoward, O. W., Box 1177, Los Angeles. 1895. Howell, Alfred Brazier, Catonsville, Maryland. 1908. Humphrey, H. B., 1103 Ramona St., Palo Alto. 1905. Hunter, J. S., Union Hotel, San Mateo. 1903. Illingworth, J. F., 2201 Harvard Avenue, N., Seattle, Wash. 1896. Ingersoll, A.M., 832 5th St., San Diego. 1895. Jackson, Willis H., Pescadero. 1901. Jay, Alphouse, 1622 Pennsylvania Ave., Los Angeles. 1901. Jay, Antonin, 1622 Pennsylvania Ave., Los Angeles. 1901. Jenkins, Hubert O., 85 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. 1902. Jenkins, O. P., Stanford University. 1907. Johnson, Miss Myrtle E., National City. 1908. Jordan, Dr. David Starr, Stanford University 1902. Judson, W. B., 5100 Pasadena Ave., Los An- geles. 1894. Julien, Miss Lillian M.. Yreka, Siskiyou Co. 1901. Kaeding, George L., Box 959, Goldfield, Nev. 1903. Kaeding, Henry B., 1421 Winfield St., Los Angeles. 1895. Keeney, Ashby H., Santa Barbara. 1904. Kellogg, Prof. Vernon L., Stanford Univer- sity. 1901, ICessing, Lawrence R., 1430 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda. 1899. Keyes, Chas. R., Mr. Vernon, Iowa. 1900. King, Geo. W., Santa Rosa. 1906. Knickerbocker, Chas. K., 503 Western Union Bldg., care of Griffin Wheel Co., Chicago, IlL 1905. Lamb, Chester C., 549 W. 43d Place, Los An- geles. 1899. I,aw, J. Eugene, Hollywood. 1900. Lelande, H. J., City Hall, Los AngelEs. 1897. I,inton, C. B., 1756 Pine Avenue, Long Beach. I,ittlejohn, Chase, Redwood City. 1901. Loomis, Levererr M., Cal. Academy Sciences, San Francisco. 1902. Love, Chas. A., 3353 22d St., San Francisco. 1901. Luce, George W., Haywards. 1904. Mailliard, John W., 300 Front St., San Fran- cisco. 1894. Mailliard, Joseph, 300 Front St., San Fran- cisco. 1895. Marsden, H. W., Witch Creek. 1905. Martin, John W., 339 'N. 1st St., San Jose. 1907. Masters, Mrs. Willis W., 494 Kensington Place, Pasadena. 1904. Mathews, Miss Ellen, 2103 Sonth Union Ave., I,os Angeles. 1901. McAtee, W. L., Department Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1907. McGregor, R. C., Bureau of Science, Manila, P.I. 1893. McLain, R. B., Market and12th St., Wheeling, W. Va. 1897. Mearns, Maj. Edgar A.,WarDept.,Washington, D.C. 1905. Meeker, Jesse C. A., 51 Washington Ave., Danbury, Conn. 1907. Metz, Chas. W., Claremont. 1906. Miller, Prof. Loye Hohnes, State Normal School, Los Angeles. 1905. Miner, Dr. H. N., The Eagles' Nest, Ben Lomond. 1903. Moran, R. B., 615 Kohl Bhlg, San lrancisco. 1897. Motcorn, G. Frean, 1815 N. Raymomt Ave., Pasadena. 1904. Nelson, E. W., Department Agwmulture, Wash- ington, D.C. 1904. Newbury, F. E., 1153 Washington St., Oak- land. 1904. Newkirk, Dr. Garrett, 501 Slavin Bldg., I'asa- dena. 1900. Noack, H. R., 936 Poplar St., Oakland. 190t. Oberholser, Harry C., 1445 Girard St., N. W., Vashington, D.C. 1904. Obermuller, George J., Box 94, Haywards. 1908. Osburn, Pingwee I., 735 N. Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena. 1908. Osgood, Wilfred H., Dept. Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. 1893. ()wen, Virgil W., Tajo Bldg., care U.S. Dist. Court, Los Angeles. 1896. Pahner, C. F., 765 Channing Ave., Palo Alto. 1905. I'almer, Dr. T. S., Dept. Agriculture, Vash- ington, D.C. 1903. Park, Edgar D., Montecito, Santa Barbara. 1905. Peabody, Rev. P. B.,Blue Rapids, Kansas. 1904. Pemberton, J. Roy, 846 Bryant St., Palo Alto. 1900. Peterson, W. M., Farmington, N.M. 1908. Pierce, Wright M., Box t16, Claremont. 1902. Pinger, Philip, Colo. School of Mines, Golden, Colo. 1904. Pleasants, Mrs. J. E., Box M., Santa Aria. 1900. Price, A. E., Grant Park, IlL 1905. Price, William W., Alta, Placer Co. 1898.