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Sept., 1908

EDITORIAL NOTES 209 THE CONDOR, An Illustrated Magazine of Western Ornithology' Published Bi-Monthly by the Cooper Ornltholi- eal Club of Californix JOSEPH GRINNELL, Editor, Berkeley, CI. J, E;GENE LAW, Business Manager, Hollywood. Cl. WILLIAM L. FINLEY } , . . R. OBERT B. R. OCKWELL ' Assoctte Editors Hollywood, California: Published Sept. 21,1908 $UD$CB, IPTION RATES One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year in the United States Mexico, and U. S. Colonies, payable in advance Thirty Cents the Mngle copy. One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents per Year in all other coulItries ill the International Postal UlliOll. Claims for missin or imperfect uumbers should be made within thirty day>of date oi' issue. Subacriptions should be yent to tile Business Mauager. Ma. nuacrlpts and Exchanges should be sent to the 15ditor Advertising Rates on application. EDITORIAL NOTES We regret exceedingly that certain of the photographic illustrations in this issue show signs of retouching. This was done by the engravers without our knowledge, and if it were not for unduly delaying the issue we wonhi have dentanded a new set of half-tones. The practice of retouching half-tones for scien- tific illustrations is not commendable any more than the perpetration of fake pictures. Mr. tt. E. Wilder, of Riverside, is assisting Mr. H. S. Swarth in exploring the Trabuco region of southern California, in the interests of the University of California Museum. Messrs. Herman ''. Bohhuan and William L. Finley who spent the smnnter in southeastern Oregon report a very successful trip altho one full of hardship. They made the trip south from The Dalles in Mr. Bohlman's White Steamer, which had been rebuilt with a new body so as to carry a complete camping and photographic equipment. In all, they have traveled over a thousand miles, without acci- dent or breakdown, which makes a very good record for a summer's work in the field. Bohhnan anti Finley spent some time about Malheur Lake which they claim is the largest and nost important feeding and breeding ground in the West for water fowl. The region is so extensive it took considerable tilne to locate the various colonies of breeding birds. The last trip on the lake they were out for nine days in a small boat exploring anti photograph- ing. They report a fine colony of White-faced Glossy Ibis, but the colonies of Egrets that for- roefly lived on the lake have been totally an- nihilated by plume hunters. After a month's search but two of these birds were seen and no nests could be found. Mr. Finley writes: "We exposed over sixty dozen plates during our trip and ought to have something good." Readers of Tr CONDOR know that when Finley and Bohhnan go into the field they generally get good results worth striving for. Some of these will be published in future issues of this magazine. Thru the efforts of Finley and Bohhnan, backed up by the National Association of Au- dubon Societies, two more national bird pre- serves have been set apart. These are the largest and most important yet constituted, and are to be known as the Ktatnath Lake Reserva- tion and the Lake Malheur Reservation. Both are in southern Oregon, the former extending over the boundcry into northeastern Califor- nia. They are the breeding grounds of Can- aria Geese, many species of ducks, Ring-billed and California Gulls, White Pelicans, FarMlone Cormorants, Caspian, Black and Forster Terns, EaredGrebe, White-faced Glossy Ibis, Great Blue anti Black-crowned Night Herons, and many of the smaller shore anti marsh hirds. Mr. Rockwell's plan for cooperative orni- thology presented on the opposite page, is well worthy of serious consideration. The col- umns of THE CONDOR are open to all who are interested in this subject and we will welcome suggestions and criticfanta. Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club Revised to August L 9o8 (Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following name signifies date o election.) HONORARY Belding, Lyman, Stockton. 1896. Ridsway, Robert, 3413 13th St., N. E., Brook- land, D.C. 1905. Adams, Ernest, Box 21, Clipper Gap, Placer Co. 1896. Alexander, Annie M., 006 16th St., Oakland. 1908. Anderson, Malcolm P., Menlo Park. 1901. Applegarth, May S., }Iaywards. 1905. Appleton, J. S., Simi, Ventura Co. 1901. Arnold, Dr. Ralph, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 1893. Bade, Wut. Frederic, 616 College Ave., Ber- keley. 1903. Bailey, Henry F., 94 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 190. Bailey, H. H., 32154th St., Newport News, a. 1903. Bailey, Vernon, care of Departtnent of Agri- culture, Washington, D.C. 1904. Bales, Dr. B. R., 151 West Main, Circleville, Ohio. 1906. Barnes, R. Magoon, Lacon, Ill. 1908. Bay, J. Cliff, Ingot, Shasta Co. 1903. Beal, Prof. F. E. L., Dept. Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. 1904.

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