at Summit Lake, June 26, the north end of Tulare Lake, June 18-24, and on Buena Vista Lake, July 11-12. Ch0rdeiles acutipennis rexcrisis. Texas Nighthawk. Common. Nesting near the mouth of Kern River Canyon, east of the Tulare Lake region, July 17. Tyrannus verticalis. Arkansas Kingbird. Generally distributed and breeding in abundance. Mylarthus cinerascens. Ash-throated Flycatcher. A few were nesting among the willows at Summit Lake, June 25. Noted at Buena Vista Lake, July 11; one specimen from Summit Lake, June 25. Say0rnis nigricans. Black Phoebe. Seen occasionally all thru the Lake region; most numerous along sloughs bordered by willows. Empid0nax trailIll. Traill Flycatcher. Rather common in willow thickets and rule marshes. 0t0c0ris alpestris actia? Mexican Horned Lark. Horned larks, probably this form, breed in abundance. Pica nuttalli. Yellow-billed Magpie. -Noted only among the valley oaks (Quereus lobata) near Summit Lake where a few were nesting, June 25; one specimen. Aphe10c0ma calif0rnica. California Jay. Not uncommon among the willows at the mouth of Kings River, June 22, at Summit Lake, June 25, and at Buena Vista Lake, July 11. Corvus c0rax sinuatus. Raven. At least two were seen near the Arroyo Los Gatos, northwest of Tulare Lake, June 30. Corvus brachyrhynch0s hesperis. California Crow. Common in willow woods at Summit Lake, at the north end of Tulare Lake, and at Buena Vista Lake. Breeding at the north end of Tulare Lake, June 18; one specimen. Xanth0cephalus xanth0cephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Several small flocks of females were seen in the tule marshes at the north end of Tulare Lake, June 18-24, and a lone male in breeding condition was shot there June 21. A few females were in the marshes at Buena Vista Lake, July 11. Agelaius gubernat0r calif0rnicus. Bieolored Blackbird. Abundant in loose flocks thruout the Lake region. Apparently thru breeding when specimens, including large young, were taken at the north end of Tulare Lake, June 18-24. Agelaius pheeniceus neutralis. San Diego Redwing. Three specimens from the north end of Tulare Lake, June 20-23. Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Abundant and generally dis- tributed. Icterus bu110cki? Bullock Oriole. Orioles, probably this species were seen several times among willows in the Lake region, but were too far away for posi- tive identification. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. House Finch. Common among willows in the Lake country, and about houses on the open plains. Breeding at the north end of Tulare Lake, June 23; one specimen. Astragalinus tristis salicamans. Willow Goldfilch. Several small flocks were seen at the north end of Tulare Lake, June 18-24, and at Buena Vista Lake, July 11. A June specimen was not breeding. Ch0ndestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Not very common. A few were seen on the Arroyo Los Gatos, northwest of Tulare Lake, June 30, and along the west side of Tulare Lake, July 7. The species breeds much more abun- dantly in the Sierra foothills east of the San Joaquin Valley. Amphispiza nevadensis cauescens. California Sage Sparrow. A nearly full-