hatched young already in the water. A female and a downy young were secured as specimens. Querquedula yanoptera. Cinnamon Teal. After the pintail this species was next in abundance among the breeding ducks about Tulare Lake, and was noted at intervals along the sloughs south to Buena Vista Lake. Apparently all were thru nesting by June 18, and on and after that date numerous parties of five or six consisting of the adult female and brood of young were seen. Many of the young were already nearly full-grown. The adult males were more shy and usually kept out of sight. Several specimens, females and young, from Tulare Lake. Spatula lypeata. Shoveller. A specimen was obtained and others with small young were seen at the north end of Tulare Lake, June 18-24. Dafila acura. Pintail. By far the most abundant breeding duck thruout the region. A female shot June 21 at the north end of Tulare Lake contained an egg about ready to lay; on the same date several adults with young large enough to make short flights were seen. Marila americana. Redhead. A pair was seen at the north nd of Tulare Lake, June 19. Irismatura jamaicensis. Ruddy Duck. Several females with small young were observed along the north shore of Tulare Lake, June 18-24, and along the west side of the Lake, July 7; two specimens, an adult female and small young. Dendrocygna bico10r. Fulvous Tree-duck. A pair was seen flying along the north shore of Tulare Lake; June 23. At Summit Lake one of a pair which flew over the boat was killed, June 27; it proved to be a male in breeding condition. Plegadis guarauna. White-faced Glossy Ibis. Pairs and small flocks Were observed occasionally from Summit Lake to Buena Vista Lake. A specimen was not in breeding Condition. B0taurus lentiginosus. Bittern. Solitary birds were noted at intervals, in marshes from Summit Lake to Buena Vista Lake. Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron. One or more were seen nearly every day while in the Tulare Lake region.' Said to nest in the valley oaks (Quercus lo.bata) a few miles southeast of Summit Lake. Herodias egretta. Egret. Not very abundant; noted at intervals from Sum- reit Lake to Buena Vista Lake. But0rides virescens anth0nyi. Anthony Green Heron. Common thruout the Tulare Lake region. A few nests containing young about ready to fly were found in half-submerged willows near the mouth of Kings River, June 22. 31yctic0rax nycticorax nevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. Abundant everywhere in the nmrshes from Summit Lake to Buena Vista Lake. Breeds in considerable numbers among the willows near the mouth of Kings River. Numer- ous old nests were seen, and a few still contained young birds about ready to fly, June 22; one specimen, Tulare Lake, June 23. Grus mexicana. Sandhill 42rane. Three only were seen in the marshy land at the south end of Tulare Lake, July 8. Railus virginianus. Virginia Rail. This species was met with only along the marshy bottom of the Arroyo Los Gatos, northwest of Tulare Lake; one was shot and several others heard, July 1. Fulica americana. Mud-hen; Coot. A moderately abundant breeder thru- out the Lake region. Numerous floating nests were found among tules along the north shore of Tulare Lake, June 18-24; some contained fresh or hatching eggs, and many