I)ryobates nuttallii. Nuttall Woodpecker. Common. Breeding. Fully fledged juveniles secured in late May. Tyrannus verticalis. Arkansas Kingbird. Abundant. Breeding. Myiarchus cinerascens. Ash-throated Flycatcher. Common. Breeding. Sayornis saya. Say Phoebe. Several seen. Sayornis nigricans. Black Phoebe. Fairly common. Breeding. Empidonax traillii. Traill Flycatcher. Common. Breeding. Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis. Western Crow. Common: Breeds in the willows along Kern River. Molothrus (sp.?) Cowbird. An egg of some variety of the cowbird was found in each of several Least Vireo nests secured. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Fairly common. Agelaius tricolor. Tricolored Blackbird. Colony breeding: Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadow Lark. Common. Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. Abundant. Breeding. Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Observed. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. House Finch. Not common. Astragalinus psaltria. Arkansas Goldfinch. Several seen. Passer domesticus. English Sparrow. Common in the streets of Bakersfield. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Fairly common. Melospiza melodia heermanni. Heerman Song Sparrow. Common. Breeding. Pipilo maculatus megalonyx. Spurred Towhee. Fairly common.. Breeding. Guiraca cerulea lazula. Western Blue Grosbeak. Fairly common. Breeding. Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Several seen. Tachycineta bicolor. Tree Swallow. Fairly common. Breeding. Lanius ludovicianus gambeli. California Shrike. Fairly common. Breeding. Vireo bellii pusillus. Least Vireo. Comnlon. Breeding in the willow thickets along the river. Fresh sets and young birds found June 1st. Dendroica estiva brewsteri. California Yellow Warbler. Common, Breeding. Icteria virens longicauda. Long-tailed chat. Common. Breeding. Mimus polyglottos leucopterus. Western Mockingbird. Not common. Toxostoma redivivum. California Thrasher. Fairly common. Breeding. Thryomanes bewickii spilurus. Vigors Wren. Fairly common. Breeding. Sialia mexicana occidentalis. Western Bluebird. Common. Breeding. ionff t3each, Cahfornia. A FAMILY OF YOUNG DUCK HAWKS By JOSEPH DIXON WiTH TWO PI-IOTOS BY ANNIE M. ALEXANDER N June 16, 1907, we took three motherless, downy young Duck Hawks from their nest at Danger Point, near Killisnoo, Admiralty Island, Alaska. Even at this time they showed a noticeable difference in size. The largest one was just getting his eyes opened and began soon to take notice of the things going on about him. On June 19 the three weighed five and one-half, six and seven ounces. The largest one was evidently from the first egg hatched and was always three