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Sept, 1908 NOTES FROhi BUENA VISTA LAKE, IA 20 TO JUNE 16, 1907 197

Dafila acuta. Pintail. Fairly common. Breeding. Several broods just out of the nest noted. One fresh set of six eggs found June 2. One brood of 9 hatched June 4. Aythya americana. Redhead. Reported breeding by market hunters. Erismatura jamaicensis. Ruddy Duck. Several seen. Plegadis guarauna. White-faced Glossy Ibis. One single bird seeit May 25. Flock of about 75 seeit flying over camp June 4. Botaurus lentiginosus. American Bittern. Fairly common. Ardetta exilis. Least Bittern. One seen. Ardeaherodias. Great Blue Heron. Abundant. Colony nesting in sycamores, ten miles from lake. Ardea egretta. Egret. Pair seen in river marsh, feeding. Ardea candidissima. Snowy Heron. Seeit flyiug over camp. Ardea virescens anthonyi. Anthouy Green Heron. Rare in May, becoming contmon by June 15. Reproductive organs showed nesting must have commenced in early June. Nycticorax nycticorax nevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. Abundant. Nesting in thousauds in the cormorant rookery, bo{h heroits and cormorants some- tintes occupying the same tree. Porzana carolina. Caroliua Rail. One specimeu secured. Fulica americana. ' Americait Coot. Abundant. Breeding. Recurvirostra americana. Anterican Avocet. Fairly comicIon. Several small colonies nesting on the lake shore. Himantopus mexicanus. Black-necked Stilt. Thousands seen. Several colo- nies nesting on river and lake marshes. Pisobia minutilla. Least Sandpiper. Two specimens secured June 4. They were feeding on small island with several Snowy Plovers. Actitis macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. Several seell. 0xyechus vociferus. Killdeer. Fairly common. Breediug. JEgialitis nivosa. Snowy Plover. Several seen. One set of two fresh eggs found June 2, on a tiny island near lake shore. On this same island several sets of Avocets and one set of 6 fresh eggs of Z)a./[a acttia were found. Zenaidura macroura carolinensis. Mourning Dove. Fairly common. Gymnogyps californianus. California Vulture. Reported breeding in the mountains near lake. Cathartes aura septentrionalis. Turkey Vulture. Occasionally seen. Circus hudsonius. Marsh Hawk. Rare. Breeding. Buteo borealis calurus. Western Red-tail. Several seen. One specimen secured. Buteo lineatus elegans. Red-bellied Hawk. Fairly common in the willows along the river. One specimen secured. Falco sparverius phalcena. Desert Sparrow Hawk. Several seen. Aluco pratincola. American Barn Owl. Seen. Asio wilsonJanus. Long-eared Owl. Oue seeit in dense mesquite near lake. Bubo virginianus pacificus. Pacific Horned Owl. Often heard. One specimen secured. Speotyto conicularia hypogea. Burrowing Owl. Not common. Geococcyx californianus. Road-runner. Fairly common. Breeding. Coccyzus americanus occidentalis. California Cuckoo. Fairly common. Breeding. Colaptes cafer collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. Common. Breeding.

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