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Accipiter cooperi. Cooper Hawk. A nest containing young found May 29 in the foothills on the Monterey side. Cathartes aura. Turkey Vulture. Common. Buteo borealis calurus. Western Red-tail. Common in oak-covered hills. Buteo swainsoni. Swainson Hawk. Common everywhere. Aquila chrysaetos. Golden Eagle. Seen occasionally. Falco mexicanus. Prairie Falcon. Seen occasionally. Falco sparverius. Sparrow-hawk. Very common. Strix pratincola. Barn Owl. Conmon. Asio wilsonianus. Long-eared Owl. One taken in river bottom June 3rd. Bubo virginianus pacificus ? Horned Owl. A horned owl seen in river bottom. I am not sure as to subspecies. Speotyto cunicularia hypogea. Burrowing Owl. Fairly common. Geococcyx californianus. Road-runner. Not common. Dryobates villosus hyloscopus. Cabanis Woodpecker. Common in river bottom. Dryobates pubescens turati. Willow Woodpecker. Common in river bottom. Dryobates nuttallii. Nuttall Woodpecker. Common everyxvhere. Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi. California Woodpecker. Very common in oaks but not so abundant as formerly. Colaptes cafer collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. Common. Aeronautes melanoleucus. White-throated Swift. Frequently seen. Calypte anna. Anna Hummingbird. Common. Tyrannus verticalis. Arkansas Kingbird. Abundant. Myiarchus cinerascens. Ash-throated Flycatcher. Common. Sayornis saya. Say Phoebe. Common in foothills. Sayornis nigricans. Black Phoebe. Common. Contopus richardsonii. Western Wood Pewee. Very common. Empidonax diflicilis. Western Flycatcher. One taken in oaks, June 1. 0tocoris alpestris subsp. ? Horned Lark. Horned Larks were seen several times but no specimens were taken. Pica nuttalli. Yellow-billed Magpie. This species, altho abundant in this territory fourteen years ago, is now scarce. I succeeded in finding one small colony of 20 or 30 pairs with nearly grown young. I am at a loss to account for the great decrease in numbers of this species as I do not think they are killed in any great numbers. Two specimens out of twelve which I took were afflicted with intestinal parasites which nmy be one cause of their depletion. Aphelocoma californica. California Jay. Common. Corvus americanus hesperiS. California Crow. Common in river bottom. Agelaius phceniceus. neutralis. San Diego Red-wing, Red-wings seen occa- sionally but none taken.. Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadow-lark. Abundant. Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. Abundant. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Common. Carpodacus purpureus californicus. California Purple Finch. Common on shady sides of higher hills. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. House Finch. Common. Astragalinus tristis salicamans. Willow Goldfinch. Common in river bottom. Astragalinus psaltria. Arkansas Goldfinch. Abundant. Passer domesticus. ' English Sparrow. Common around towns. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Very common. Pipilo maculatus megalonyx. Spurred Towhee. Common.

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