The O010ist
An Illustrated Monthly devoted to Birds and kindred subjects. Now in its Twenty-sixth Year (ood Luc Posl (ards .... The "5wostiKn" Interpreted KI6HT D!SIGNS----= Colors The Oologist nine months, to De- cember, 19o8, Free Exchange Coupon and One Dozen of above beautiful Souvenir Cards .... ALL FOR 38 CISNTS, Post Paid Cards alone, xoc per Dozen FRNFST H. SHORT CII, NlSW YORK Bools and Magazines Bird Publications Oologists aud Taxadermists Instruments. Finley's An]eric'an Birds $I 45 Feathered Game of the Northeast--Rich - 2 90 Forest and .tream and New Subscription to Condor ....... 3 60 Four selected sizes Cut-I.iniug Egg Drills i GO BNAMIN HOAG Stephentown New York I IlAVI FOR DISPOSAL Volume I contplete, Bulletin Cooper Clnb, for $6. No. 7 North American Fauna, "Death Valley Exp.," 5,3. Fisher's Hawks anti Owls, $6.-- FRED l. DILLE, 307 Conlinental 271dg., Den- yet, 1o. I WILL EXCHANGE a pair, adults, Santa Cruz Island Jays and an adult or San Cle- mente Towbee (elegant skins), for 6 Hutton Vireos, or subspecies, and 6 Vigors Wrens, or subspecies, from any lality north or south of Los Angeles Co., CaliL Only fine skins desired. Oer exchans.. B. Lxo, 75 6 Pine ve., Long each, Cali XVhen replying to 2dveisemeu LOYER o! the Out Door Life Keods Outing C!oLhing We Ma]le it Handome, Comfort- ablegarmentsof khaki and corduroy, mde to measure for hen and ply high g'rade foot wear, laced boots, moccasius, slill hnnters dries. ALWAB IN STOCK Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammunition ,. Fishing Tackle .. k Compasses Field Illasses The V*rm. H Hoegee Co., Inc. 'x$8-x4o-t4z South Main St. Los AnSeles, Cal. Photo Iooks Bound in Black Seal Grain Leather with pages of dark green color which show your prints to better advantage than any books you can buy elsewhere. With ample margin /or prints 4x 5 or 3x5. Prepaid: 25 Leaves - St.00 50 Leaves - 1.4o Pocket size for all small prints less than 4x5, 25 leaves .75 If you do not like the book send it back and I will return your money. FIKED. M. DI. LLE 3o7 Continental Building Denver - - Colo. dense mention THF CONDOR