the supposition correct. This chickadee is recorded as inhabiting the Redwood and Douglas Fir forests, known as the Northern Humid Coast Belt, extending along the coast from' Del Notre County down to Mendocino. As this same forest extends continuously along the coast Of Men- docino and Sonoma Counties, practically without a break, and with but comparatively little vari- ation in temperature or humidity, it seemed reasonable to assume that any chickadee found in this belt as far south as it might continue with unchanged characteristics, would be referable to this form. To prove this I visited the coast last May in the vicinity of Fort Ross, the site of the early Russian settlement, which is only a few miles north and in plain sight of the mouth of the Russian River, and there found the Chestnut-backed Chickadee breeding abundantly. It has never been recorded south of Mendocino County heretofore. This forest extends about twenty miles south of where I found these birds, and almost reaches Marin County, when the character of the coast abruptly changes from high hills and deep canyons to low rolling country, and the forest is succeeded by open, wind-swept grass lands, with plenty of fog but comparatively light rainfall. This treeless portion extends for something like twenty miles south along the shores of Bodega and Tomales Bays, and forms a most distinct dividing line between the northern form of rufescens and the central one, nei;leclus, which latter commences in the northern edge of the wooded coast belt of Marin Connty some ten miles north of San Geronimo.-JOSEPH MAILLIARD, San Geronimo, California. Is not the San Clemente Shrike (Lanius 1. mearnsi) identical with the Island Shrike (Laniu8 1. anthonyi) ?--The following measurements (from birds in the flesh) seem to disprove the claim for smaller size, for the Clemente form. In the specimens examined (16 in all), ther.e has been found no appreciable difference in coloration. A few specimens of Lanius 1. anlhonyi have been taken along the coast of Los Angeles County. San Clemente Island specimens Length Wing Tail ad. 9. 4. 4. 8.46 3.75 3.75 8.47 3.75 3.75 im. 7.87 3.72 3.75 im. ? 7.87 3.75 3.70 ad. 8. 3.80 3.70 Measurements in inches Santa Cruz Island specimens Length Wing Tail ira. ? 8.40 3.80 3.80 ad. 8.50 3.80 3.90 ad. c 8.72 3.85 3.90 ? 8. 3.77 3.72 ira. 8. 3.70 3.70 ad. 8.27 3.80 3.75 (2 7.70 3.75 3.50 ad. 8. 3.77 3.63 8.25 3.95 3.87 3 8.87 4. 4.18 --C. 1?. Linlon, Lon lYeact, California. A One-legged Red-winged Blaekbird.--On April 5, while collecting in the vicinity of Littleton, Arapahoe County, Colorado, I took a Red-winged Blackbird from a good sized flock in a tall cottonwood tree. Upon picking the bird up I found that the right leg was entirely ntissing. The bird was carefully skinned and it was found that the leg had been severed from the body at the knee joint. There was no scar or abrasion of any kind in the skin to indicate where the .skin of the leg was attached to that of the body, the wound having healed perfectly. The question was raised as to whether the bird had been hatched with the one leg missing; but this seems hardly reasonable from the fact that the first joint or that above the knee was per- fectly formed. That this bird handled itself ahnost as easily as his more fortunate companions is without question, as the flock was watched some time before the bird was taken and his actions were not such as to attract attention. In fact this particular bird Was collected especially on account of the fine condition of its plumage. Upon skinning, the bird was found to be a male, in perfect condition and with a well nurtured body.--R. B. ROCKWELL, Z)enver, Colorado. Forbush Sparrow in Southern California.--February 12, 1908, I secured three speci- mens of fl//elospiza lincolnii slriala {Forbush Sparrow), in the meadows bordering the Los Angeles River, near Long Be.ach, California. I also observed several others in this vicinity in company with Jlelospiza cizerea cooperi {Sau Diego Song Sparrow).--C. B. LINTON, 2?each, California.