Sierra Forms on the Coast of Sononto County, California (with two pitotos) .......................................................... Joseph Jlailliard 133 A Bit of Early California Natural 'IIistory ................... [Crank S. Z)aggett 135 Summer Birds of the Upper Salinas Valley and Adjacent Foothills ..... G. Willell 137 Field Notes from Alaska ........................................ Joseph Z)ixon 139 The Nesting of the Rocky Mountain Screech Owl in Wyoming (with four photos) ..................................................... Chas. IV. z][elz 143 Birds on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico .............. [. Yench Gilman 46 An Annotated List of the Birds of Mesa Cotmty, Colorado (with two maps arid nine photos) ................................................ oberl ]Y. Rockwell 152 FROM I*IELI) AND STUDY Microscopic Subspecies ........................................ C. tl. Linton 181
the Virginia Rail (Railus virgiuianus) greetling in Mexico...E. !. Goldman 181
A Correction .................................... C. . Linton 181 The Western Tanager in Sau Francisco .................. Clark C. Vast Fieel 181 Otocoris alpestriN insularis on the Mainland Coast .............. : . Linto 181 The Southern Limit of the Chestnnt-backed Chickadee (Parus rufescens) on the California Coast .................................. Joseph lIaiiliard 181 Is not the San Clemente Shrxke (Lanius 1. mearnsi) Identical with the Island Shrike (Lanius I. anthonyi)? ............................. B. inlon 182 A One-legged Red-winged Blackbird ......................... R. 1. Rockwell 182 Forbush Sparrow in Sonthem California ........................ C. B. Linlot 182 EDITORIAL NOTES ......................................................... 183 MINUTES O1* COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................................... 184 l/ntered as second-clas matter February. 9o8. at the post office at Los Angeles {IIollywoott StationS. California. under Act o! Congress of March $. x87q. Issued from The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Bufiding, Hollywood, Cal. Subscribers and Members... The Post Office Department now denies to publishers the second-class mailing privileges where subscribers are six mouths delinquent. Therefore if you want to keep your files complete, it is well to send in 3,our renewal promptly. Remember... Dues are $2.oo per year which includes Condor subscription. Subscriptions are $x.5o per year in United States, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies. $L75 per year in Canada and all other countries in the International Postal Union. Sample Copies are 3 cents. Make all remittances to J. EUGENE LAW, BVSZNESS M^NAGER, First National Bank lIollywood Station, Los Angeles, Cal. %Vhea replying to advertisements plea-e memaoa 'fll' CONI)OR