Miss Annie M. Alexander, a friend of the Uni- versity as well as of natural science. The pur- pose of the Museum is to carry on field and re- search work pertaining to the vertebrate fanna of the West Coast of North America. Several collectors are already in the field in the inter- ests of the Museum. Besides the Alaskan party referred to above, Mr. Frank Stephens is at work in Eastern San Diego County; Messrs. Walter Taylor and Charles Richardson are col- lecting in the vicinity of San Gorgonio Pass; and Messrs. Harry Swarth and J. Grinnell are carrying on field work near Hemet, Riverside County. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIVISION MARCH.--The March meeting of the North- em Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held in the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, March 7, at 8 P.M., President D'Evelyn in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The The names of J. M. Davis, Alfred Brazier Howell, and V. M. Peterson were read. and their election to membership in the club by the Southern Division was approved. The secretary was instructed to learn from the Southern Division as to whether Mr. Davis is a member of the Northern or Southern Divis- ion; his address being Eureka, California. Mr. Emerson, as chairutah of the committee on the Clifton resolution, reported that the committee had carried out the instructions of the chair and copies of the resolutions had been forwarded to the Southern Division and to Mr. Clifton. Mr. Emerson reported that arrangements had been made with Mr. Stearns of the Oak- land Chamber of Commerce whereby the Club could keep a register at the Chamber. Further arrangements will be mde and reported at the next meeting. Mr. Gifford proposed the name of J. G. Bliss, 3281 Briggs Avenue, Alameda, California, for membership. Mr. Emerson proposed the name of George J. Obermuller, Haywards, California. Subject to the final vote the names were held over until the next meeting. Dr. D'Evelyn reported that it had reached his ears that members of the Cooper Club had been prosecuted for dealing commercially in birds and eggs and spoke condemning such acts on the part of any members of the Club. Mr. Emerson then introduced a copy of the accompanying resolutions which after discus- sion was passed by the Club. Whereas, It has become known to the Club- at-Large that certain members have been car- rying on a commercial tade in birds and eggs in violence to the state protection laws; Resolved, That the object of this Club was and is for the study and advancement of orni- thology only, and the sentiment of this organ- ization does not sanction its members, dealing commercially in birds and eggs. Resolved, That we the members here present do all that is within our means to uphold the bird-protection laws of California, in conjunc- tion with the State Fish and Game Commis- sioners. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this organiza- tion and that a copy be sent to the Southern Division, the State Fish and Game Commis- sioners of California, and the Audubon Society of said State. The business of the eveningSbeing concluded Dr. D'Evelyn read a paper entitled "Notes on the Waltzing Instinct in Ostriches." Dr. D'Evelyn's personal knowledge of the habits of the ostrich in South Africa filled the paper with interest and it was very pleasing to mem- bersof the Club. Acopy of the paper has been preserved in the records. Mr. Emerson then read a paper on "The Distribution of the Yellow Warbler." Mr. Emerson illustrated his talk with maps and the skins of warblers taken in various parts of its range. The re- mainder of the evening was taken up by gen- eral bird talk by the members present. J. S. HUNTER, Secrelary. SOUTHERN DIVISION MARCH.--The regular March meeting of the Southern Division convened at 8:30 P.M. on the 26th, in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Los Angeles. President Morcom occupied the chair, and J. Grinnell was elected Secrehry pro leto. The following members were pres- ent: Judson, Miller, Jay brothers, Howard, Willerr, Robertson, Linton, Chainberlin, Os- born, Lelande, Grinnell and Morcom. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. The name of Arthur Wilcox was proposed for membership, his ap- plication being signed by W. L. Chambers. Certain correspondence anent the legality of exchanging and selling specimens of birds and eggs was read and discussed. Mr. Robertson made extended remarks finally suggesting that our Secretary write to the State Fish. Commission and ask them to define exactly their attitude toward exchanging and selling. Professor Miller made the motion, seconded by Mr. Jay, that a committee be appointed by the Chair to draw up resolutions expressing the Club's attitude with regard to the State law and bird-collecting, the same to be presented at our next regular meeting. The motion was carried and the Chair appointed Messrs. Mil- ler, Robertson and Grinnell as the committee in question. A general discussion followed, dealing with a wide range of ornithological topics. Ad- journed. J. GRINNELL, Secrelary pro tern.