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128 THE CONDOll VoL. X

Willett and myself. Among these were specimens corresponding with the descrip- tion of the supposed Clarion Island Raven. These are undoubtedly Corvus corae sinuatus. $turnella neglecm. Western Meadow Lark. Common inland. Carpodacus purpureus calffornicus. California Purple Finch. One female specimen secured in the pines by H. Linton December 16, and several others seen. Carpodacus clementis. San Clemente House Finch. Common over most of the island. Astragalinus psaltria hesperophilus. Arkansas Goldfinch. Several seen at Cochas Pictres in November. One taken. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus. Western Savanna Sparrow. Several seen, Northwest Harbor. Ammodramus sandwichensis bryanti. Bryant Marsh Sparrow. Two seen and one taken at Northwest Harbor in December. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Several seen at Cochas Pictres in November. One was taken. Zonotrichla leucophrys gambeli. Intermediate Sparrow. Common everywhere. Zonotrichia coronata. Golden-crowned Sparrow. Fairly common everywhere. Junco hyemalis thurberi. Thurber Junco. I secured an adult male and fe- male in the head of a canyon near Cochas Pictres November 28. Aimophila ruficeps ruficeps. Rufous-crowned Sparrow. Mr. Willett and I each secured a specimen in the brushy canyon near the south coast. In the early evening of December 16 I observed a flock of 40 or 50 birds feeding on a grassy hillside near Prisoners', securing two specimens. Melospiza graminca (?). Santa Barbara Song Sparrow. Fairly common. Passerella iliaca insularis. Kadiak Fox Sparrow. Mr. Willett and I secured several specimens at Cochas Pictres in November. December 16 I secured another in the pines. Passerella iliaca megarhyncha. Thick-billed Sparrow. November 24 I se- cured 2 specimens in a canyon of the southern coast. Passerella iliaca stephensi. Stephens Fox Sparrow. One taken December 14, in the manzanita underbrush in the pines at an altitude of about 2800 feet. Piprio cieraenrac (?). San Clemente Towbee. Fairly common. Some speci- mens secured had not lost the brownish edgings to the feathers of the back, giving them a peculiar appearance. Lanius anthonyi. Island Shrike. Fairly well distributed over the whole island. 16 specimens in all, preserved. Vireo huttoni mailliardorum. Santa Cruz Island Vireo. Fairly common. Helminthophila celata celata. Orange-crowned Warbler. One specimen taken November 29, but lost during storm at sea. Helminthophila sordida. Dusky Warbler. Very common. Dendroica townsendi. Townsend Warbler. I secured a single specimen in the oaks, Prisoners', December 13. Anthus pensilvanicus. American Pipit. Several seen. Mimus polyglottos leucopterus. Western Mockingbird. Fairly common. Salpinctes obsoletus. Rock Wren. Fairly common in certain localities. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus. Dotted Canyon Wren. In a canyon near Prisoners', December 19, I secured an adult  . Thryomanes nesophilus. Santa Cruz Island Wren. Fairly common. I can discern no difference between this wren and the specimens from vicinity of Los Angeles and Pasadena.

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