mens were seen and five secured, at Northwest .Harbor. They were always ob- served on the outer rim of volcanic rocks standing in the surf, or on the rocky "islands", and were hard to secure. The feet and legs of specimens taken, are pale flesh color instead of red as in breeding season. On December 3 I shot an oystercatcher which fell in the heavy surf. Unable to secure it myself I had started tentward for my retriever when I was greatly chagrined to see a bald eagle swoop down, gather in my prize and carry it away. Zenaidura macroura. Mourning Dove. Common inland. Buteo borealis calurus. Western Red-tail. Several seen. Haliaetus leucocephalus leucocephalus. Bald Eagle. Adults and birds of the year seen at each camp. Falco peregrinus anatum. Duck Hawk. Fairly common along the southern and southwestern coasts, where they undoubtedly breed. Mr. Willett and H. Lin- ton observed one pair capture a red phalarope that was feeding in the kelp near shore. First one falcon then the other giving chase until the phalarope was tired out and captured. Black turnstones were the favorite prey about Northwest Harbor. Falco columbarius. Pigeon Hawk. I saw several in'the canyons of both coasts. One alighted within 15 feet of my hiding place in the willows but darted away before I could turn my gun. December 18 I saw a pigeon hawk carrying a screaming bird in its talons. Falco sparverius phalena. Desert Sparrow Hawk. Occasionally seen. An adult and secured in December. Pandion carolinensis. American Osprey. I saw one osprey near the southern coast November 25. Strix pratincola. American Baru Owl. Mr. Willett secured one specimen, November 20. Speotyto cunicularia hypogaa. Burrowing Owl. Fairly common in suitable localities. Specimens secured average slightly paler than those taken in the vicin- ity of Los Angeles. Measurements also differ slightly. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. Seen on both coasts. Colaptes cafer collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. Fairly common near Cochas Pictres and in the pine district. Two specimens preserved. Aeronautes melanoleucus. White-throated Swift. Several seen December 18. Calypte anna. Anna Hummingbird. Fairly common; several preserved. Selasphorus alleni. Allen Hummingbird. Several seen. An adult male was secured November 24. Tyrannus vociferans. Cassin Kingbird.. A kingbird seen near camp Novem- ber 24, doubtless this species. Sayornis saya. Say Phcebe. Fairly common. Sayornis nigricans. Black Phcebe. Fairly common. Contopus richardsoni richardsoni. Western Wood Pewee. I heard several among the pines in December but did not secure a specimen. Empidonax difficilis. Western Flycatcher. Several seen and heard. Novem- ber to December 15; none secured. 0tocoris insularis. Island Horned Lark. Common on the mesas inland. Aphelocoma insularis. Santa Cruz Island Jay. Abundant except on north- western portion of island. Those seen in the vicinity of Cochas Pictres were nearly all females. In the higher pine region this order was reversed; only two or three females observed. Corvus corax sinuatus. American Raven. Several specimens taken by Mr,