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several days, about the middle of October, around a house in the lower part of Miller Canyon. It was the only one of the species seen. Cexfhia familiaris albescens. Sierra Madre Creeper, Fairly common through- out the Huachucas during October, but in daily lessening numbers. The species does not remain in the mountains through the winter. Sitta carolinensis nelsoni. Rocky Mountain Nuthatch. A few were seen in the Rincon Mountains. In the Huachucas they were abundant, mostly in the lower parts of the range. Sitta pygmaa. Pigmy Nuthatch. The Pigmy Nuthatch appears to be a bird of the pine woods altogether. In the Huachucas it was not seen below 8000 feet at any time, and at the end of October was the only species of bird common at that altitude. It was not met with in the parts of the Rincon Mountains we visited. Baolophus wollweberi annexus. Bridled Titmouse. As usual this bird was found in the greatest abundance in the oak belt of the Huachucas, while in the Rincons it was one of the few species that was fairly common. Moulting specimens were taken September 26, and in October young and old were indistinguishable in plumage. Psaltriparus plumbeus. Lead-colored Bush-tit. This species proved to be un- expectedly rare in the Huachucas. I was in the mountains two weeks before I met with it, and then it was only occasionally that I would run into a flock. It was not seen in the Rincons at all. Regulus calendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Very common in the Huachucas. Early in October they were frequently met with in flocks of twenty or twenty-five, but their numbers were greatly lessened by the end of the month. I believe that a few undoubtedly remain in the mountains through the winter. Myadestes townsendi. Townsend Solitaire. A single bird was seen near the mouth of Miller Canyon on October 10. Hylocichla guttata guttata. Alaska Hermit Thrush. Two specimens referable to this race were secured on October 29 and November 6, respectively. Very few Hermit Thrushes of any sort were seen. Hylocichla guttata auduboni. Audubon Hermit Thrush. A female of this variety was secured in the Huachucas on October 11. Sialia mexicana bairdi. Chestnut-backed Bluebird. One or two small flocks were seen in the Rincon Mountains. In the Huachucas the species was not as abundant as I have found it during the summer months, and was most frequently met with in the foothill region. Sialia arctim. Mountain Bluebird. Seen on the plains below the Huachucas. The first flock was observed on October 28, and the species was afterwards met with on several occasions. Chicagio, Illinois. THE MEXICAN BLACK HAWK By GERALD BAMBER THOMAS URING the fall and winter of 1905 and spring of 1906 it was my pleasure to observe quite extensively the habits of one of the most, if not the most interesting of our Raptores, the Mexican Black Hawk ( /rubilinga anthra- c/ha). Nearly all my observations were confined to the little colony of British

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