forming a nucleus for the new collection. Dur- ing the progress of the fire some of the skins had been removed to Mr. Loomis' residence, but unfortunately this dwelling, too, was included in the path of the flames on the following day. Only two skins of all the thousands were saved and these were two Guadalupe Petrels which Mr. Loomis thrust into his pocket as he emerged from his burning home with his household effects. Mr. Wm. H. Hall, who had promised a talk on the birds of the Hawaiian Islands was too ill to be present so the discussion now became informal and turned on the subject of "Albi- nos." Some remarkable instances were elicited. Mr. W. Otto Emerson reported an Anna Itummingbird with the plumage entirely of a dirty white color; also a Red-winged Blackbird entirely white except the tail which was of the usual glossy black, making a startling contrast. Another instance was that of an Oregon Tow- bee flecked with white suggesting to the ob- server an advanced stage of a progressive dis- ease. Dr. D'Evelyn cited an instance of a partial albino Euglish Sparrow that came nnder his observation in Union Square, San Francisco. He also remarked that in practical aviculture albino parents never produce albino offspring. Mr. J. S. Hunter spoke with admiration of a white crow and Mr. Emerson, not to be out- done, offered a record of a nest of five Califor- nia Jays, all white, also two broods of English Sparrow of five and six respectively all albinos in the nest, refuting the theory suggesting an analogy between the albino and the human be- ing with whitened hair attendant upon some nervous shock. Dr. D'Evelyn called attention to a mounted specimen of the Kiwi in a store window on Fourteenth street, between Washington and Broadway, Oakland. This species is the Ipleryn: oweni, found on the South Island of New Zealand, but only in very remote districts. The business session being opened, a roll-call showed the following members present: H. W. Cartiger, D. A. Cohen, Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn, W. O. Emerson, Edw. W. Gifford, J. S. Hunter, Milton S. Ray and R. S. Wheeler. The following elections by the Southern Division were confirmed: R. Magoon Barnes of Lacon, IlL, Dr. T. W. Richards, U.S. S. Kansas, care Postmaster, New York, N.Y., Robert B. Rockwell, Denver, Colorado, B.R. Bales, M.D., Circleville, Ohio, Jesse C. A. Meeker, Danbury, Conn. Mr. Milton S. Ray proposed the name of Oluf J. Heinemann, 1532 Fulton Street, San Fran- cisco, for membership. It was voted that an expression of the thanks of the Northern Div- ision be tendered the former business manager, Mr. Clifton, and the Chair appointed Messrs. Cohen, Emerson and Wheeler to draft the same. After a vote of thanks to the retiring presi- dent and Secretary the club proceeded to the election of officers with the following results: President, Dr. Fred. W. D'Evelyn of Alameda; Senior Vice President, W. O. Emerson of Hay- wards; Junior Vice President, Edw. W. Gifford of Alameda; Secretary, J. S. Hunter of San Mateo. In accordance with certain provisions of the constitution the President appointed as the ed- itorial staff of THE CONDOR for the ensuing year the same gentlemen who served during the past year. The Oakland Chamber of Commerce was se- lected as the official headquarters of the North- ern Division. Adjourned. ROSWELL S. WHEELER, SOUTHERN DIVISION DECEMBER.--The December meeting was Called to order by President Morcom in the Faculty room, Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasadena, Cal., Friday evening, December 27, 1907, with members Geo. Willett, O.W. How- ard, C. B. Linton, Chas. W. Metz, Howard Wright, Chas. Richardson, Jr., and J. Eugene Law present. The minutes of the last meeting, November 27, 1907, were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Wright and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous vote of those present electing to active membership Louis Agassiz Test, C. O. Esterly and Robert B. Rockwell, the latter subject to the approval of the Club-at-large owing to his non-residence in the state. Applications for membership were presented as follows: W.M. Peterson, Neah Bay, Wash- ington, by M. F. Gilman; Miss Myrtle E. Johnson, National City, Cal., by Prof. Win. E. Ritter; Lester Black, Long Beach, Cal., by C. B. Linton; and Pingtee I. Osburn, Pasadena, Cal., by Chas. H. Richardson, Jr. On motion by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Willet and duly carried, the resignation of M. L. W'icks, Jr., was accepted. On motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Howard and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast, separately for each officer, the unanimous ballot of those present, electing as officers for 1908, those nominated at the de- cember meeting, viz.: G. Frean Morcom, Pres- ident; H. J. Lelande, Vice-President; W. Lee Chambers, Treasurer; and J. Eugene Law, Sec- retary. This records the formal meeting and the bus- iness transacted, but it would be hard to record
lhe hours of plasurable and instructive orni-