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Life History of the California Condor. Part III. Home Life of the ondors (with six photos by/at. T. Bohlman and the author) ........... William L. Finley 59 Spring Notes froin Santa Catalina Island ............ Charles Iar. Richardson, Jr. 65 Notes on the Rhea or South American Ostrich (with three photos)..Samuel Idans 69 Observations on the Nesting Habits of the Phainopepla (with two photos by awrertce IVacomber) ........................ Harriet Williams .lryers 72 Some Data and Records from the Vhetstone Mountains, Arizona..qustin PaulSmilh 75 Some Notes on the Great Blue Heron (with three photos) .... I-I. W. Carriger and ........................................................... f. R. Pemberlon 78 Notes froin San Clemente Island ..................... C. 1. inton 82 Some Hints on the Preparation of an Oological Collecti' ith two photos and two drawings) ........................................ J?obert 1. Rockwell 86 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Dates that are not Data ...................................... J. H. Flentin 91 Destruction of Imperial Woodpeckers ................... leslin Paul Smith 91 A Curious Bird Tragedy (xvith one photo) .... Chas. H. /ichardson, Jr. 91 A Vermillion Flycatcher in Los Angeles County, 1 ...... Howard W.. Wright 91 Junco hyemalis hyenmlis .............................. f. R. Pemerton 92 Brain Parasites in White-necked Raven .................... ,-usiin Paul Smith 92 Goonies of the Desert .................................... J. Grinnell 92 The Blackburnian XVarbler at Fort Brown, Texas ........... lustin Paul Smith 92 Itow Large a Bird can the California Shrike Kill?. .... Chas. Iar. Richardson, Jr. 92 The Red-winged Blackbirds of Colorado .................. Robert . Rockwell 3 A Death Struggle .................................... Howard W. Wright 93 Albinism of Scaled Partridge ........................... lusiin Paul Snith 93 San Geronimo Notes ........................................ Joseph/lIailliard 94 Catalina {uail ................................................ J. Grinnell 94 The Mountain Bluebird in Arizona ......................... Jttni,:s Henderson 94 EDITORIAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENT A New Museum ....................................................... 95 The Rehabilitation of the California Acaderay of Sciences ................ .................................. Edward Winslow Gifford 95 Annual Meeting of the Colorado Biological Society ............................. 96 FAitoffal Notes .................................................... 96 Publications Reviewed ....................................................... 96 Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings ....................................... 98 lutered as second class natter February, o8, at the post office at Los &ugeles [Hollywood Statiou), California, under Act of Congress o! March l, x810. Issued from The Office of The Condor, First National Bauk Bmldiug. Hollywood. Subscribers and Members... The Post Office Department now denies to publishers the second-class mailing privileges where subscribers are six months delinquent. Therefore if you want to keep your files complete, it is well to send in your renexval promptly. Remember... Dues are 8.oo per year which includes Condor subscription. Subscriptions are $.5 o per year in United States, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies. x.75 per year in Canada and all other countries in the International Postal Union. Sample Copies are 30 cents. Make all remittances to J. EUGENE LAW, BUSINESS First National Bank Hollywood Station, Los Angeles, Cal.

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