comer, but it was not serious, for he stayed about all the afternoon, and at one time lit for a moment on the dead tree near the nest. The male drove him off, but only chased him a short. distance. The third condor seemed a trifle smaller than the other two, but he was almost as brightly colored as the parents. We were inclined to think he was one of the c Idren of former years. We watched the three birds till six o'clock and then climbed down to make camp. The parents were perched on the dead tree in front of the nest, and the third bird on the mountain side above, and there they went to sleep for the night. Early the next morning we found one of the birds, presumably the male, and the intruder gone, while the other still sat on the tree-perch. About noon the father appeared in the eastern sky. The mother saw him first and we were attracted by her watching. We were surprised again to see the third bird following a little in PERCHED IN fin OAK ABOVE THE NEST: ALTHO THE BIRDS IVERE BIG AND HEAVY THEY PERCHED READILY IN A TREE AND CLIMBED FROM LIMB TO LIMB, OFTEN USING THE HOOKED BILL TO HELP THEM the rear, and he came on down and stayed during the afternoon. The crops of both birds were bulging out when they returned, showing that they knew where to get food. The young condor was now fifty-four days old, but he was still clothed in gray down. It was over two months before the first black feathers began to show on his wings, and they developed very slowly; for by the first week in July when we had expected to complete our series, the young bird was not half leathered out, altho he was three months and a half old and weighed over fifteen pounds. We could see that the parents were becoming more and more attached to the nestling, and they were becoming tamer and tamer while we were about. The nestling was wlder and more ferocious as he grew. The only way we could touch him was by wearing heavy gloves or by blindfolding him. He lunged about and
fought while hewas in the cave; but when we got him out of his home, he