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THE CONDOR VOL. X' purpose. Allowing, however, that the first feather of ducks is the first definitive feather plus the down, the relation between the first definitive and the second definitive is much clearer. In figures 9o-96 Mr. Jones shows pho- tographs of the second feather of ducks, which is the second definitive according to his asser- tion, bearing at its distal end the first feather. which he regards as the combined down and first definitive. We see then that the relation between the first and second definitive feathers is practically the same as that between the down feather and the first definitive. Yet these are all regarded as relatively separate feathers, and certainly deserve to be in the light of all known facts. The paper is interesting as showing the mode of connection between the down barb-vanes and the definitive barb-vanes. It would be in- structive for some future investigator to ex- plain and figure in detail the connection be- tween the first and second definitive feathers.- WALTER P. TAYLOR. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION MAY--The Suthern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club, met at Throop Polytechnic Institute, May 3o, I9o7. The first part of the ev- ening was filled up with informal consideration of topics of interest, the meeting being called to order about.nine o'clock, with President Moreore in the chair. Walter Taylor was se- lected as secretary pro tempore. The name of Cyril H. Bretherton was pro- posed for membership by Mr. Grinnell for Mr. Law. Mr. Watson, who is about to leave for Denver, Colorado, handed in several names of possible members of the club. As there was no more business to be consid- ered the meeting adjourned, and for the rest of the evening general ornithology and projected summer outings were discussed. Members Moreore, Howard, Chamberlain, Judson, Watson, Lamb, Taylor, Willett and Grinnell were present. WALTER P. TAYLOR, Secretary pro tern

AUGUST.--A specially called meeting of the 

Southern Division was held in the City Clerk's office, Los Angeles, August 3o, 19o7 President Moreore called the meeting to order at 8:3o P.M. with the following attendants: Dr. T. S. Palmer, J. H. Gaut, H. T. Clifton, O. W. Howard, G. Willett, G. F. Moreore, L. Cham- bers, Alphonse and Antonin Jay, C. E. Cosper, J. E. Law, J. Grinnell, H. J. Lelande. The main interest of the evening was cen- tered in the presence of Dr. T.S. Palmer, of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Palmer spoke to the Club at length concerning the scope of work of the Bureau of Biological Survey, and especially of his own duties in connection with game preservation. He told very entertaingly of experiences in detecting illicit traffic in game, and of the institution and protection of National game refuges. The matter was brought up of the establish- merit of game preserves on our own coast. Sev- eral colonies of the Least Tern yet remain, and these deserve protection. It was thought that the readiest means would be thru efforts to in- duce private landowners to 'post aud patrol their holdings. Dr. Palmer was given a hearty vote of thanks for his cordial compliance with the invitation to talk to the Club, and the evening will long be remembered as one of the most enjoyable and profitable in the Club's history. J. EUGINI LAW,


NovMnR.--The rgular November meet- ing of the Southern Division was held in the of- flees of H. J. Lelande, City Hall, Los Angeles, Cal., Wednesday evening, Nov. 27, with mem- bers G. Frean Morcom, H. J. Lelande, Jos. Grinnell, H. T. Clifton, O. W. Howard, C. E. Cosper, Howard Wright, W. Chamberlain, Walter Taylor and J. E. Law present. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved, and Mr. Howard and Mr. Lelande, who were present at the October outing meeting, gave an oral report.' They noted several additions to the list of Newhall, Cal., observations. This list will be. published elsewhere. They also noted that the English Sparrow colony there is increasing. Applications for membership wer e proposed: C. O. Esterly, Ph.D., and L. A. Test, Ph.D., both of Los Angeles, Cal., and both proposed' by Prof. Loye Holmes Miller; and Robert'B. Rockwell, 1322 E. 3th Ave., .Denver, Colo., proposed by Joseph Grinnell. In accordance with the By-Laws, action on these was deferred' till next meeting. On motion, duly carried, the secretary was instructed to cast the unani- mous ballot of those present electing to active membership Cyril H. Bretherton and R. Magoon Barnes, the latter subject to the ap- proval of the Club-at-large owing to his non- residence in the State. Mr. Grinnell proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Clifton, the retiring business manager of THE CONDOR, for the faithful service rendered the Cooper Clnb during the years he has han- dled its finances, and for his very efficient management of its business affairs, until now the Club, and with it THt CONDOR, is in a most thriving condition. The motion was heartily approved by all present. This being the last regular meeting before the annual election, nominations for I9O8 were called for resulting as follows: For President,. G. Frean Motcorn; Vice President, H. J. Le- lande; Secretary, J. Eugene Law, Treasurer, W. Lee Chambers. A paper by Mr. F. C. Willard, Tombstone, Arizona, on the bird life in the vicinity of Tombstone, was read by the secretary in the. absence of the author. Mr. Willard records some interesting local notes, and finds bird life much localized, particularly about a few cottonwoods and other trees on the edge of the city. In this little clump no less than 28 pairs of birds representing ten species raised their broo. ds in i9o7 . Adiourned. J. EUOtgNI LAW, .Secretary.

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